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Police custody.

While sitting in a wide garden, I can't stop my tears from flowing freely in my eyes. I really miss the gang! I miss Freen and Becky.

If it wasn't for that person, Nop, I wouldn't have experienced these things. I hate him!


"Johvie, we will be ahead of you, okay?!"

I nodded and smiled at them before arranging the papers in front of me and placing them properly on the table. What time is it?

I looked at my watch.

I had to go home and cook dinner for my sister. When I left the office, there was no one, so I went straight home.

When I arrived at our house, she immediately welcomed me with a smile on her face. She's my younger sister, Kisha. My father left us and went with another woman, while my mother has not accepted what my father did, so she left us too. That's why my sister and I are just the two of us here at home. Sometimes I feel sorry for my sister because of our condition. It's a good thing that I met Freen. That night, I was almost get trouble not far from their school.

I increased my pace as I noticed five men following me. One of them was in uniform, while the others didn't appear to be students. I felt scared and started running, not realizing that I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Hey! Why don't you watch where you're going?!" she exclaimed, displaying hostility towards me. I looked at her face and was captivated by her beauty, so I stopped for a moment. However, she tapped me, bringing me back to reality, and I quickly grabbed her arm, pleading for help.

"What happened to you? Why do you look so afraid?" she asked, concerned. I turned to show her the men who were following me, and she pulled me and shielded me behind her.

"What are you doing here?" one of the men taunted, laughing. This made me even more nervous, fearing that she might get hurt because of me. I firmly held her hand and pulled her, urging her to run.

"And who are you to interfere here?!" another man shouted.

"Come on, let's run. I don't want you to get involved. Please," I pleaded with her, my voice filled with desperation.

She looked at me, and in her eyes, I saw no fear or concern.

"Don't worry, I'm here. So don't be afraid," she reassured me.

"But they're five!" I stammered, expressing my worry.

"I don't care how many of them there are. I can handle it. Trust me, okay?" she replied with confidence.

Her words left me slightly stunned, as I couldn't help but admire her bravery.

"If you don't leave now, you might really regret it," she warned the men.

They simply laughed at her, which made me even more anxious, wondering what they might do to both of us.

"Regret? You're kidding, huh?"

"Let's go, please!" I pleaded.

She just shook my hand and approached the five men, so I pulled her back because I was afraid for her.

"Don't worry, I can handle myself!" she assured me.

When she was close to the five men, she put down the bag she was carrying and surprised me by confronting them.

"I already told you guys, don't make trouble near our campus because I'm the one you can fight with. Do you understand? Or maybe you want me to call my colleagues so you can understand what I'm saying?"