37 : ILOVE U 3000

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face, so I rubbed my eyes and looked at the curtains before leaning over to hug my beautiful girlfriend, Becky.


I immediately smiled when she held my hand.

"Are you still sleepy?"

I asked while gently rubbing her hand.

"Yeah! Can you hug me like this for a few more minutes, Freen?"

I immediately tightened my embrace and kissed her fragrant hair. Then, started singing, and Becky laughed and listened to my song while enjoying our warm embrace.

Insert song : ilove you 3000 ( changing the lyrics sorry)

Baby, take my hand
I want you to be my Wife
'Cause you're my Iron girl.
And I love you 3000
Baby, take a chance
'Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie
I see you standing there
In your Hulk outerwear
And all I can think
Is where is the ring
'Cause I know you wanna ask
Scared the moment will pass
I can see it in your eyes
Just take me by surprise
And all my friends, they tell me they see
You're planning to get on one knee
But I want it to be out of the blue
So make sure I have no clue
When you ask
Baby, take my hand
I want you to be my husband
'Cause you're my Iron Man
And I love you 3000
Baby, take a chance
'Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie
Now we're having dinner
And baby you're my winner
I see the way you smile
You're thinking about the aisle
You reach in your pocket
Emotion unlocking
And before you could ask
I answer too fast
And all my friends they tell me they see
You're planning to get on one knee
So now I can't stop thinking about you
I figured out all the clues
So now I ask
Baby, take my hand
I want you to be my husband
'Cause you're my Iron Man
And I love you 3000
Baby, take a chance
'Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie
Pa da da da da dam
No spoilers please
Pa da da da da dam
No spoilers please
Baby, take my hand
I want you to be my husband
'Cause you're my Iron Man
And I love you 3000
Baby, take a chance
'Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie, baby
Pa da da da da dam
No spoilers please
Pa da da da da dam
No spoilers please
Pa da da da da dam
No spoiler please
Pa da da da da dam
And I love you 3000

After i finished singing, she turned to face me and gazed at my face.

"I like it, Freen. It's very romantic when you're like that."

I grinned and stood up from the bed, immediately pinning down Becky's hands while she lay there. Becky smiled at me.

"What are you doing, Freen?"

Becky asked,  while putting my finger on her lips.

"We didn't finish last night. Do you want to finish today, hmmmmf?"

Becky released a wide smile to me and then nodded. I quickly took off my clothes and giggled as i lay on top of her.

"Is your door locked? Later, Hanna will suddenly appear here again." Becky teased me.

So i stopped and looked at the door.

"Ahmmf, let me check, okay?"

I released Becky from my grip and approached the door. I was about to lock it when someone knocked, diverting my attention.


I signaled whether i should open the door or not. Becky remained silent and just laughed at my antics.

"Just open it and get dressed. I don't want someone to see you like that, okay!"

Becky quickly threw my clothes  and urged me to put them on. She laughed as i frowned and stared at her, realizing that my plans for Becky would no longer work.