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I am already at school. I have had a headache since yesterday, and I feel like I might catch a cold because I forgot to take my medicine yesterday due to Freen pushing me into the pool. As soon as I arrived in the classroom, I sat down at my desk. Since it is still early, I thought I could take a nap. Freen is not here yet, but she might come later since it is still early. After 30 minutes, the bell rang, waking me up. When I lifted my face, I fell backwards in my seat because I was surprised. His face was so close to mine that I almost fell down.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Luckily, he quickly grabbed my arm, preventing me from falling completely.

"Ah, I'm fine. Thank you," I replied.

I gently removed my hand from his grasp.

He smiled at me and extended his hand. Yes, he is very handsome, which is why I was surprised, but he is not my type.

"I'm Hades, and you are Becky, right?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm Becky," I replied with a neutral expression.

He immediately took my hand and shook it, which surprised me once again.

"I'm glad that you're awake," he said with a slight smile. "Actually, I've been looking at you since I entered the classroom."

Feeling embarrassed, I just scratched my head. I couldn't believe this was happening. It was really embarrassing, and I couldn't help but murmur to myself.

"Don't worry," he reassured me. "You didn't make any noise while you were sleeping. That's what you were worried about, right? But there's just some saliva on the side of your mouth." He chuckled softly while pointing at the corner of my mouth. I quickly took out my handkerchief and wiped it away.

As I looked at him, I realized that this was the first time I had seen him at our school. I glanced around the classroom, wondering why Freen wasn't here yet. The first subject was about to start, and I was curious about her absence.

"Are you okay, Becky?" he asked.

I looked at him and offered a sparing smile. "Yeah, I'm okay."

He smiled back, and I turned my attention to the professor who had just arrived.

"Good morning, everyone!"

We all greeted him back with a collective "Good morning," showing our respect.

"Anyways... We have a new transfer here! He's from the US, a varsity player from his previous school, and a model. So, guys, be nice to him, okay? Come on, Hades, come here in front."

Hades immediately stood up, turned his head to me, and flashed a smile before approaching the professor.

I couldn't help but wonder about that constant smile and what his deal was.

"Hi, classmates, I'm Hades Lawrence Lee. I hope we can all get along. 😊 Thank you."

As soon as he finished, all the girls in my class erupted into excited shouts. I found their behavior irritating; it seemed like they had never seen a handsome man before.

"Seriously?" I whispered to myself.

As the professor started lecturing, I focused my attention on him, trying to absorb the information. Soon after, he called me and asked me to answer a question in front of my classmates. Thankfully, I had understood the lecture earlier, even though my mind had been preoccupied with thoughts of Freen. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her since then.

After finishing the first subject, I headed to the canteen without realizing that Hades was following me.

"H-hey, Becky?" he called out.