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As the blaring sound of the alarm abruptly pulled me from my slumber, I groggily reached out to locate its source, my hand fumbling in the dimly lit room. With a mix of reluctance and determination, I rubbed my eyes, the remnants of sleep still clinging to my senses, and finally managed to grasp the phone resting on the bedside table.

As I held the device in my hand, the screen illuminated, casting a soft glow in the early morning light filtering through the curtains. A smile naturally formed on my lips as I gazed at the familiar wallpaper, featuring a snapshot of a cherished moment with Freen. The sight brought a sense of familiarity and comfort, a reminder of the bond shared with my girlfriend that transcended the digital realm.

 The sight brought a sense of familiarity and comfort, a reminder of the bond shared with my girlfriend  that transcended the digital realm

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Becky, with a soft smile on her face, gently turned off the alarm to avoid disturbing her girlfriend's early morning rest. Wanting to surprise her with breakfast, becky decided to prepare a meal before starting the day.

As she stood by the bedside, observing her girlfriend's peaceful slumber, becky couldn't help but feel a rush of affection. A tender smile graced her lips before she leaned in to place a gentle kiss on her girlfriend's forehead, a silent gesture of love and care.

In the kitchen, becky set out to cook a hearty breakfast, knowing her girlfriend's favorite dishes. Bacon sizzled in the pan, eggs cracked open, and the aroma of fried rice filled the air. Freen's hands moved with practiced ease as she prepared the meal, aiming to provide a homemade breakfast that would bring comfort and joy to her girlfriend's morning.

Understanding her girlfriend's routine of often eating at the canteen, becky took it upon herself to ensure that today, a homemade meal awaited her. With each dish cooked with love and attention, becky's gesture symbolized her desire to care for her.


As the morning sun cast a warm glow through the windows, Freen's initial panic at not finding Becky by her side quickly turned to relief when she discovered her in the kitchen, setting up breakfast. The sight of Becky's presence brought an immediate smile to Freen's face, dispelling her fears of being left alone.

"Thank God, you're still here," Freen expressed with a mixture of gratitude and joy, her heart feeling lighter as she approached Becky and embraced her from behind.

Becky, turning to face Freen with a smile, reassured her, "I'm not leaving you, okay? I said I'm always here for you." Her words carried a sense of comfort and sincerity, a reminder of the unwavering support and companionship she offered to Freen.

Feeling the weight of her initial fear dissipate, Freen sighed softly, her features softening with a sense of calmness and security in Becky's presence. As Becky playfully ruffled Freen's hair, eliciting a frown and a playful adjustment of her hair.

Freen's smile widened as she leaned in to give Becky a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Shall we start breakfast?" she suggested, the warmth of the morning light filling the kitchen.