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When I got home, Becky's car was already in the garage, which made me happy because it meant she was already home. This was the first time Becky had done something like this, and I have to admit, I was hurt.  I didn't know how to talk to her like before.

I parked my car as soon as I entered the garage.  I was nervous as I looked at the door, afraid I might say something hurtful to her. When I opened the car door, my phone suddenly rang.  I looked at the screen.

"Unknown number? Whose number is this?"

I immediately opened the message and was shocked when I realized that Becky was in the video. I leaned back in my chair and watched it.

"What's this?!"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I hit the steering wheel. I called the number that sent the video, but no one answered.  As I watched the video, seeing Becky being held by a man, I felt a wave of pain.

"Why are you doing this to me? How could you do this?"

I said angrily.  I took a deep breath to calm myself before getting out of the car. I went inside the house, and there was Becky, waiting for me on the sofa.

Becky: "Where have you been, Freen? I've been waiting for you here for a while. Why didn't you tell me where you were going?"

I didn't say anything to her. I went straight to the kitchen to get some water, because I wanted to cry, but I didn't want her to see me.  She was acting like nothing was wrong, staring at me, and that hurt me the most.

Becky: "What the hell, Freen! Don't turn your back on me when I'm talking to you."

I put the glass on the table and faced her.

"What do you need from me? You're not happy! You're not satisfied? What else do you want?"

Becky's eyes widened in surprise and confusion.

Becky: "Ahh- What are you talking about, Freen?"

"I want to rest! Do what you want, and I'll do what I want. So don't stop me, okay?"

As I said those words, I felt my heart breaking.  I didn't like what I was saying, but I was hurt, and I didn't know what else to say.

Becky: "What is your problem, Freen? Why are you acting like that? Did I do something to you? Is it because I left and didn't take you with me? Is that why you're angry with me... PLEASE tell me, I want to know why you're like this?"

I angrily faced Becky again.

"Please stop it, Becky! Let's not fool around here. You didn't go to your classmates to do something about your school, right? You went to the BAR, right?"

Becky was shocked because I knew where she'd been.  She was silent, looking at me shyly.

Becky: "A--are you following me?"

"I didn't follow you! But I hope Becky, you're thinking of me.  It's fine with me if you have fun with your friends. Even if I'm not with you, but I hope you didn't do anything that you knew would hurt me."

I threw my phone in front of Becky and slammed the door before leaving the house.

Becky: "Freen, come on! I'm not doing anything, please let me explain..."

Becky followed me outside, trying to explain.

Becky's POV

"Freen! Come on... Can we stop this fight? I swear I didn't do anything. Yes, I lied because..."  Her voice cracked.

Freen: "Because of what, Becky?!"

"Because I'm jealous! I'm annoyed... I want to hate you. I want you to be mine, just mine. Freen! But I can't..."

Freen approached me and held my arm tightly.

"What are you doing, Freen? Stop it..."

I complained, but she ignored me.

Freen: "Tell me, Becky! When have you been fooling me? Tell me why? I don't know what to do anymore..."

I tried to pull my arm away because her grip was hurting me.  But I didn't want to hurt her, and I couldn't fool Freen anymore.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm hurt. Please stop it!"

I could see the anger and hatred in Freen's eyes.  But I didn't know how to explain it to her.

"I can't fool you, Freen. What are you talking about? Where did you hear those stupid things? Why are you accusing me?"

Freen let go of my hand and sat on the side of the road.

Freen: "Y-you ask why I'm accusing you? Do you hear what you're talking about now, Becky?!"

"I'm not doing anything, Freen! Believe me, please..."

I hugged Freen, but she stopped me.

"I love you, Freen. And nothing will change that. Yes, I was wrong because of my jealousy and annoyance. But I can't trade you for someone else!"

Freen: "If you love me, Becky, who is he?"

Freen's voice cracked as she said those words.  I stared at her nervously because I felt she knew about Rain.

"Could she be there inside the bar? But why didn't I see her?"

I asked myself, staring into Freen's eyes, which were full of questions. She was waiting for my answer.

"Ahh- What do you mean, Freen?"

Freen: "Someone sent me a video. It's you and that guy... Who is he?"

My tongue suddenly felt heavy. I didn't want to speak. I didn't know who sent that video, but nothing had happened between Rain and me. We weren't doing anything wrong. He just supported me because I almost fell. But why should I be afraid?  I think River is the one who sent that video to destroy our relationship.

Freen: "Becky, what is it?"

Freen shouted angrily, so I grabbed her hand.

"Freen, believe me, it's nothing! Rain was just supporting me because I almost fell. Believe me, please! I can't fool you, Freen."

My voice cracked in front of Freen because I didn't want her to think I was cheating on her. That's the truth, I can't fool or trade Freen for anyone.  But I was surprised when she shook my hand away.

Freen: "Hah! Fall down?  She laughs. If I had come with you, I should be the one to support you, and not that guy!"

"I know, Freen... But I just wanted to release my anger!"

I cried because she didn't want to listen to me.

Freen: "Did you think that it's fine with me, huh? When I feel jealous of Nop? Did I go out and go to the BAR with another woman?  YES, I'm mad, Becky, but I can't do what you're doing to me right now."

She scolded me.

Freen: "Isn't it, Becky? Because I understand you!"

She added, standing in front of me.

I didn't speak again when Freen started walking away from me. I wanted to follow her, but I was afraid she might push me away.  But my feet seemed to be pulled involuntarily to run after her.

"Freen! Pfreeeeeen? Please..."

I chased after her. She didn't look at me, but I kept running until I caught up with her.  I immediately grabbed her arm to stop her from moving away and hugged her from behind.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry... I promise I won't do it again. I'll tell you when I feel these things. Please don't leave me, I can't, please!"

I sobbed behind her, burying my face in her back.

She gently removed my hand, which made me sob even more.  Did she not like me? Did she not love me?  My mind was filled with questions that only Freen could answer.

She faced me after removing my hands and messed up my hair, making me look at her curiously.

Freen: "If you're jealous of him, you can tell me that. Just don't create more problems so we don't fight, okay?"

"I'm sorry, Freen... I didn't mean it all..."

She wiped the tears from my eyes and hugged me tightly, which made me cry even more.

Freen: "Ssssssh! Don't cry? I know you can't do those things to me. I was just worried about you, that's why I got angry, but that doesn't mean I'm going to leave you..."

I pressed my head against her neck even more.

"I'm sorry... I won't do that again! I just really love you, and I don't want them to take you away from me, Freen."

Freen: "Just stop crying... And promise me you won't do it again!"

"I promise, Freen..."

Johvie's POV

I was outside Freen's house, ringing the doorbell for a while, but no one was coming out.

"Where did they go? Is there a meeting with the gang?"

I asked myself.  I was about to leave when I saw them both, Becky and Freen, laughing happily.  Those laughs disappeared when they both saw me.

I smiled at them and waved.  Yes, I knew it felt awkward, but I just wanted to say sorry and say hello to Freen!

Freen approached me, Becky following behind. I wanted to leave because I was ashamed to face Freen, but I stopped when she held my hand.

Freen: "Just wait, Johvie?"

I slowly turned to Freen and bent down because I was afraid to face her.

"I'm sorry, Freen. I'm really sorry! I know I don't have the right to face you anymore, but I hope you can forgive me! I just want my sister to be safe."

I was crying in front of her because I knew she wouldn't forgive me for what I had done.  I had been a traitor to our gang, and when I left her, I was ashamed to look at her because of what I'd done. But I was surprised when she hugged me tightly.

Freen: "It's good that you're freed, Johvie!"

She patted me on the back, which surprised me.  Wasn't she mad at me? Wasn't she going to slap me? Why was she still kind to me after I had done those things to her?

Becky: "Johvie, the gang misses you so much, and we both miss you."

Becky patted me on the shoulder with a smile, so I sat down on the pavement, slumping my shoulders as I watched the two of them.

"Did I dream?"

They approached me and helped me stand up straight.

Freen: "I know everything, Johvie! Your sister told me everything that happened.  I'm sorry I didn't know your reason right away. So we made a way so that you could be freed from the custody of the police and be able to study again. It's a pity that you won't graduate from high school with us, but don't worry, okay? Now that you're out, you can study again."

I was crying because of what I heard from Freen.  She was the reason I was free. She never left me, even though I was a traitor, even though I knew I had hurt her.  I immediately stood up and hugged Freen and Becky tightly.

"I miss you so much! Not a day goes by that I don't think about you. Thank you, Freen. Thank you so much!"

Becky: "We miss you too, and even though you were inside, we couldn't forget you, especially your sister."

Freen: "Stop crying, okay! Maybe others will think that we're fighting with you."

I immediately wiped my tears and smiled at them both.

"Thank you so much!"

Nop's POV

Nop kicked the wall in anger because he heard the news!

"Johvie is free! That bastard is really draining my patience!!"

I won't allow you to be the only one happy outside, Johvie! But go ahead... because a few days from now, I will destroy all of your lives!!!

Nop punched the wall furiously until his fist bled.

"I will kill you, Johvie! And I will kill you next, Freen Delrosario!!"

My life is totally ruined! And all the people who are important to me are gone. If you can't be with me, Becky, it's better for you to die.  I will NOT let you two and Freen be happy while I suffer because of you! I will kill you, all of you!! I will kill everyone who gets in the way of my plan!

Nop punched the wall again, making the police who were guarding him look at him angrily.