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Freen sat alone on the worn wooden bench, the afternoon sun casting long shadows across the bustling university campus.  The air was filled with the sounds of laughter and chatter, but she felt strangely isolated, her heart heavy with a secret she couldn't share.  She had been avoiding Becky all day, her mind replaying the scene from earlier that morning: the awkward encounter with Hanna, the unexpected confession, and the kiss that had shattered their world.

Freen loved Becky.  She had loved her since they were kids, their friendship blossoming into something deeper, something unspoken but undeniable.  They were inseparable, their laughter echoing through the halls of their high school, their dreams intertwined.  But now, a shadow of doubt had crept into their bond, a silent question hanging between them.

"Why is it so hard to admit it?" Freen whispered to herself, her fingers tracing the worn inscription on the bench She knew she had to tell Becky, to confess her feelings before they were lost in a whirlwind of confusion and hurt.  But the fear of rejection, of losing Becky's friendship altogether, choked her words.

Suddenly, a familiar laugh broke through her thoughts.  Ken and Hades, two of their closest friends, strolled past, their hands intertwined, their faces radiating pure joy.  Freen watched them, a strange mix of envy and admiration stirring within her.  Ken, with his infectious grin and easy charm, had always been the life of the party, while Hades, with his sharp wit and quiet intensity, had a way of captivating everyone around him.  They were an unlikely pair, but their bond was undeniable.

Freen sighed, her gaze drifting back to the inscription on the bench. When love was a whispered secret, a shared glance, a stolen touch.  But now, love had become a battlefield, a tangled web of emotions that threatened to tear them apart.

Just then, Hanna appeared, her smile strained, her eyes filled with a mixture of hope and despair.  "Freen, I've been looking for you," she said, her voice trembling slightly.  "Can we talk?"

Freen knew what was coming.  She had seen the longing in Hanna's eyes, heard the unspoken plea in her voice.  Hanna had been in love with Freen for years, her feelings hidden beneath a facade of playful teasing and casual affection.  But now, the dam had broken, and her emotions were spilling over, threatening to drown them both.

"Hanna, I..." Freen began, her words caught in her throat. She wanted to be kind, to offer comfort, but she knew that any words she spoke would be laced with a bitter truth. She couldn't deny her feelings for Becky, but she also couldn't bear the thought of hurting Hanna.

Hanna's eyes welled up, her voice cracking as she confessed, "I know, Freen. I know you love Becky. I've always known. But I couldn't keep it inside anymore. I had to tell you how I feel."

Freen reached out, her hand hesitantly touching Hanna's arm. "I'm so sorry, Hanna. I never wanted to hurt you.You're my friend, and I value you so much."

Hanna shook her head, a single tear tracing a path down her cheek. "It's okay, Freen. I understand. I just needed to say it. I needed you to know."

As they sat in silence, the weight of their unspoken words hung heavy in the air.  Freen felt a pang of guilt, knowing that her feelings for Becky had inadvertently pushed Hanna away.  She wished she could rewind time, erase the kiss that had shattered their fragile peace.

A flashback washed over Freen, bringing back the memory of that fateful afternoon.  She had been searching for a book, her heart filled with a mixture of anxiety and excitement.  She had finally decided to confess her feelings, to tell Becky how much she loved her.

As she rounded the corner of the library, Freen spotted Hanna and pulled her close. "Hanna, what are you doing?" she asked, confused. But Hanna ignored her question, leaning in and kissing Freen directly. Freen tried to pull away when she saw Becky standing in front of them, Hanna's arms still wrapped tightly around her.