29: IS IT LOVE ?

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After we left the warehouse, I decided to drop Hanna off at her house first since she didn't have a car or a driver to pick her up. As we drove, I couldn't help but wonder about Hanna's family. Were they kind and supportive or sames like Becky's family?

Hanna: "By the way, Pnam, will you take me home?"

I nodded in response, feeling a bit exhausted.

Hanna: "It's quite far. Are you sure you want to take me home?"

"YES! Stop asking, okay?"

Hanna: "I'm sorry. Why are you mad at me?"

I didn't respond and continued driving. After a few minutes, I noticed that Hanna had fallen silent, so I glanced at her. To my surprise, she had already fallen asleep. I couldn't help but smile at her peaceful expression. I took out my phone and gently placed it close to her face.

*Camera click*

"You're beautiful even when you're asleep. You look so peaceful and kind," Pnam whispered with a smile.

Pnam then pocketed her phone, but realizing she didn't know where Hanna's house was, she looked at Hanna again.

"Hey," Pnam gently patted Hanna.

Hanna: "Uhmmmm?"

"Wake up, brat. I don't know where your house is."

Rubbing her eyes, Hanna yawned, still half-asleep.

Hanna: "Fuck! You're so harsh! Can't you wake me up with tenderness? Tsk... You really don't have any sweetness in your body, huh?"

Pnam's eyes widened at Hanna's use of profanity.

"Wow! Are you saying 'fuck' in front of me?"

Hanna: "Aww, did I say that? I'm sorry, okay!"

Pnam frowned but continued driving.

"How far is your house?"

Hanna: "Tsk! It's almost there! Are you in a hurry? Are you going on a date?"


Hanna: "There it is, that's my house!"

"I immediately stopped the car outside their big gate."

"You're pretty rich. I thought you were joking!"

I will tease her even more because she's cute when she gets annoyed.

"I got out of the car first and opened the door for her."

Hanna: "You're gentle... but it's a bit rude!"

"Hmm, at least I'm gentle... Haha."

She glared at me and accidentally bumped into my car's door.

Hanna: "That's why you don't have a girlfriend because you're so gentle!"

"Take it easy on my car, Hanna. Did you know that Freen gave me this car? Aisssst! She'll be mad when it breaks."

Pnam caressed the door while Hanna turned around, just watching Pnam.

"Oh, just go inside. I need to go home!"

Pnam was about to leave when Hanna stopped her.

Hanna: "Come in? Ahmmf! My parents are not here right now because they are on vacation."

Pnam was shocked by Hanna's offer, so she coughed. But she immediately composed herself to avoid being noticed.

Hanna: "Are you okay?"