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Parental guidance and advice are important in such situations.

Becky and I visited her family's house, and I noticed that her mom's treatment towards me had changed. She was being really nice to me now. Afterward, we headed straight to my house so that Becky and I could rest. Our parents were aware that Becky stayed with me because our school was closer to my house.

It was our shared dream to finish school together for our future. I smiled as I reminisced about the challenges Becky and I had faced. All the tears and hardships were worth it because now the girl I love the most is by my side.

Becky: "You were smiling earlier. What's on your mind?"

I immediately hugged her, overwhelmed with happiness that she was back in my house, and I could see her every day.

Becky: "Are you okay? *Smile* What's going on?"

"I'm just happy that you're here, Becky."

I kissed her on her forehead, and she returned the gesture. Becky is my first love, and I know you already know that.

Becky: "Don't worry, Freen. I won't leave you, okay?"

We didn't even make it to the room, and I could feel the tension between the two of us. The electricity seemed to flow through my entire body when she touched me. I couldn't help but feel warm as she kissed my neck.

I pushed Her slightly on the table so sHe smiled at me.

Becky : " Wild freen, I like That.."

Because of what sHe said, I got even hotter.. I bit my lip and then picked Her up and put Her on the table while kissing Her neck down to Her chest..

A small grunt I hear From Her mouth that made me even more horny

Becky and I kissed deeper and deeper, I put my hand inside her sleeveless and then removed the hook from her bra..

Becky : "Uhmmm freen..."

I covered her mouth with my finger and then kissed her again.

"No more talking Becky!"

SHe didn't speak again and let me do my thing

While my hand was caressing Her whole body, I put my tongue in Her mouth and slowly removed Her fated jeans and underwear..

Becky : " Freen, Calm down .. You look ten's ok?"

I gave her a silly smile and then picked her up and placed her in another place and that was the sink before I kissed her again...

Becky's beautiful complexion and body shape exposed to my eyes. She looks even more beautiful in my eyes when she is naked..

Becky : " Stop it freen... Don't look at me like that I'm shy!"

"Why are you ashamed, Becky? You shouldn't be ashamed of your beautiful body. Do you know that you are like a painting, and I am the artist?"

Becky: "Huh? What are you talking about?"

I smiled and kissed her nipples..

Becky : "ahhh freen!"

SHe moaned

"Because the more I look at you, the more I want to touch you, and the more I love you, Becky."

Becky: "Ehhhhhhhhh?"

"Nevermind... Okay?"

I kiss her again on the lips while my two hands started to raise her thighs..

While Becky was hugging Freen, she was slowly taking off her clothes, because it was unfair to her that she was the only one without clothes while Freen still had clothes on her body