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"What do you want me to do?"

Hanna asked me as I sat down in the waiting area, pondering on where Aunt took Freen.

"Tell me. I'll help you with whatever you're planning, as long as we don't get hurt."

"I want her back... I want Freen to get away from her mom, Hanna. Will you come with me?"

She looked at me seriously before taking a seat in the chair next to me.

"Beck, what you're suggesting is risky. Going against her family could make them our enemies."

"But... I sob. I don't want to lose her. I- I can't handle it when that happens! I struggle to explain to her, because I start crying again when I think of Freen. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm going crazy thinking that she'll be far away from me, Hanna."

Hanna patted my shoulder before speaking again.

"I will talk to Nam, okay? We will find a way to get her from her family. So stop crying, "

I nodded, but I could tell she was still worried. I understood her, but I also knew that we needed to be careful in our actions. Freen's family could become our enemies if we acted recklessly

Meanwhile, Freen's mom was preparing for their departure the next day.


"Is everything ready,  Bert?"

He nodded and arranged the suitcase in the living room.

"Make sure no one can enter here inside the house,  Bert! Do you understand me?"

Bert: "Yes, ma'am!"

I left  Bert in the living room and went to Freen's room.

"Freen? Forgive me for doing these things. I know you will be angry with me when you wake up without her by your side. But we have to go. You also need to heal!"

I gently caressed Freen's hair while she remained unconscious.

"We have to leave tomorrow  immediately, and I will take you to any expensive hospital just to ensure your recovery. I can't bear to see you suffer like this. I know what I'm doing is selfish, especially towards your friends, but your grandmother needs us too."

I stood up from MY seat when My phone rang. When i saw that it was Miggy calling, i hesitated whether to answer it or not. But I've  known Miggy for a long time, and he is a kind person whom I can count on for anything. So i answered the call.

" hello? "

"Hello, Tita? How is Freen?"

I sat next to Freen again, gently fixing the hair that was blocking her face.

"Doctor Venus said that Freen is in a short coma, but it won't last long, and she will wake up soon. But I'm worried about her current condition, Miggy!"

"Tita, don't think about the bad things, okay? We always believe that Freen will wake up. She will be able to overcome this, Auntie, because she has faced even more severe challenges before, right?"

I sighed and carefully watched over Freen next to me.

"I know, Miggy! But as a mother, I can't help but worry about her condition. Her trauma might worsen when she wakes up from the coma."

"Don't worry, Auntie. Because her friends,  Johvie, were in a similar condition, and Johvie has already woken up."

I stopped talking and look at my daughter while peacefully sleeping.