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"It's late, Johvie. Why is she calling me?"

I wondered as I answered the call. Trying not to wake up Becky, who was sleeping next to me, I quietly got out of bed and left the room, heading to the living room.

"Johvie, what's wrong?" I asked, concern evident in my voice.

I could hear Johvie gasping on the other line. "Are you okay? What happened to you?" I asked, my worry increasing.

"Pfreen! We're outside your house. Can you let us in? I'm with my sister Kisha, please!" Johvie pleaded.

Curiosity and concern filled my mind as I immediately turned on the light in the living room and looked through the window. It was true, they were outside the gate, but why were they carrying suitcases?

"I quickly went to the gate to see them and asked, 'What's going on? Why are you carrying suitcases?'" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

Johvie responded urgently, "Pfreen, please let Kisha and me in first."

Concerned by the fear in Johvie's eyes, I immediately opened the gate and helped them bring their belongings inside the house. I offered them some water to drink and tried to calm Johvie down, as she was visibly shaking and I didn't know why.

Once she had regained some composure, I motioned for Johvie to sit on the sofa while she nervously glanced at me.

"P'Freen... Nop escaped from custody," Johvie finally revealed.

Startled, I accidentally dropped the glass in my hand that Johvie had just handed me, and my gaze immediately shifted to Kisha, hoping for more answers.

"What? You're joking, right Johvie?"

I hadn't noticed the broken glass in front of me.

Johvie replied urgently, "I'm not joking, Freen. One of my friends from inside custody called me and said that Nop had escaped. They also mentioned that I might be his first target. Freen, I don't want him to hurt my sister again."

Concerned and trying to stay composed, I reassured Johvie, "Calm down, Johvie! I'll try calling Pnam..."

I quickly dialed Pnam's number, but there was no answer. It seemed like she was already asleep.

"Ugh! I think Pnam is already sleeping," I sighed in frustration.

Johvie's fear was palpable as she pleaded, "P'Freen... What am I going to do now? I'm scared. What if he hurts Kisha? I don't want what happened before to happen again."

Taking a deep breath, I tried to offer reassurance, "Calm down! Let's plan everything, okay? We need to ensure everyone's safety."

Just then, Kisha approached me, holding a plastic bag.

"Kisha, what are you doing?" I asked, slightly puzzled.

Kisha replied with a determined look, "You might get injured, Sister Freen, so I'm just removing the broken glass."

Her thoughtfulness brought a smile to my face, but I couldn't shake off the gravity of Johvie's revelation. I didn't want Kisha to get involved in all of this either. It was clear that we needed to come up with a plan to protect ourselves and find a solution to this dangerous situation.

I sent a message to all the gangs, informing them about Nop's escape from police custody, to ensure that they were aware of the situation.

As our voices grew louder and the broken glass incident caught Becky's attention, she woke up from her sleep.

Confused, Becky asked, "What's going on?"

She looked around the room and then shifted her focus to Johvie and Kisha.

Becky inquired, "Johvie, why are you here so late? Did something happen to you?"

Johvie replied, "Becky! We have bad news..."

Surprised, Becky exclaimed, "Huh?"

Johvie continued, "Nop escaped! That's why we rushed here, so I could keep Kisha away from harm... I'm sorry for disturbing you both."

Becky sat next to me, holding onto my neck for comfort.

Becky asked, her voice filled with fear, "Escaped? When did this happen? And why?"

"Becky... calm down, okay?" I reassured her, trying to maintain a sense of composure.

Becky looked at me with fear in her eyes, unable to calm herself.

"Freen... How can I calm down? Nop is a dangerous person!" she expressed her concern.

"I know, but we can't come up with a good plan if we panic, okay?" I urged her to take deep breaths and compose herself.

Becky took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure.

Johvie, still worried, asked, "What are we going to do?"

"We will figure it out tomorrow, Johvie! For now, you and Kisha should rest in the other room. Tomorrow, we will go to the warehouse and come up with a plan," I assured them, determined to find a solution to this dangerous situation.