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Freen frowned as she exited the warehouse where her gang members had brought the three women who had beaten and bullied her girlfriend. She never thought that Becky would experience all of that just because of her. And what she didn't understand was why Hanna had done that.

"Mang Bert is right. Don't trust nice people in front of you because you don't know if they are planning something that is not good."

Before getting too far, she heard the loud cries of those three girls. She smiled and shook her head. Such things were not new to her, given her past fights. But right now, her priority was to watch over Becky, as she might know what Hanna was planning when Freen wasn't by her side.

She quickly got into Ken's car. Ken was aware of her gang.

"What happened to Becky?" Ken asked.

She answered Ken with a sigh. "I don't know, but she's in the clinic right now. So I need to go back as soon as possible. I'm so worried about her condition."

Ken asked, "Is Hanna really the one who did that to her?"

Freen nodded in response and fastened her seatbelt.

Ken: "I knew it..."


Ken: "I saw her that day... When Hades was poisoned! She was outside of the Starbucks talking to a girl, but I wasn't sure at that time, so I ignored it."

"She's out of control, Ken!"

Ken: "We can't hurt her, Freen, because we don't have any evidence that she is the one who did all this."

"I know, Ken, but the three who bullied Becky admitted that she was the one who ordered them. But do her parents know about this?"

Ken: "I don't know..."

"When Becky's parents find out about all of this, I think a big trouble will happen because neither of our parents has any idea that I am the leader of the 'WOLF MAFIA.' If they find out my secrets, they will definitely keep Becky away from me..."

They both sighed..

Ken asked, "Why is Hanna so mad at her? What's the reason?"

Freen responded, "Before that, Hanna confessed her feelings to me before I confessed my feelings to Becky, but I rejected her."

Ken looked at Freen with annoyance. "Can I judge you right now, Freen?"

Freen replied, "Stop it! You've already judged me by that look!"

Ken pressed, "So it's your fault?"

Freen admitted, "Yeah, I know."

Ken continued, "So what's your plan now?"

Freen said, "I'm planning to watch over her for now, but I still can't forgive Hanna for what she did to Becky and Hades."

Ken asked, "Your members, do they know about Hanna?"

Freen confirmed, "Yes, they know. They're just waiting for my order."

Ken lamented, "Crap! It's a mess. When Becky finds out that both of us are in this gang, I'm sure she'll be furious."

Freen replied, "I know, okay? But for now, just chill. I'm still figuring out what to do."

Ken proposed, "What if you told her about this?"

Freen questioned, "And then?"

Ken responded, "To be safe? Aissssst! I'm going crazy right now, Freen!"