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I immediately went to where Becky was, outside in Ken's car. Even before reaching her, I could see the sadness in her eyes. I knew she was still processing what had happened, but I also knew that she understood everything.

Becky called out, "Pfreen?"

I approached her and immediately hugged her tightly. I had missed her so much, and I couldn't help but worry about what she had been through.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

She hugged me tightly in return, and I smiled because I knew that Becky was safe now.

Becky said, "Thank you, Freen. Thank you for not abandoning me, thank you for saving me. I missed you I thought I would never see you again!"

I patted her back and gently stroked her hair.

"I won't leave you, Beck. I promise that I'm here for you, and no matter what happens, I won't leave you."

Kade inquired, "Becky, are you okay?"

Becky broke away from the hug and faced Kade.

Becky replied, "I'm fine, Kade. What happened to that man?"

Kade explained, "The police have him now, and the captives will be able to go to their respective families."

Freen then asked, "Where are Erin, Noey, Hades, and Ken?"

Kade answered, "They are still fixing something inside the warehouse."

Freen decided, "I will bring Becky to their house. You guys take care of it, okay?"

Kade immediately nodded in agreement.

As Freen and Becky were about to leave, Hanna and Pnam arrived, arguing once again.

Pnam scolded, "I told you to stop acting like a spoiled brat, Hanna!"

Hanna retorted, "Who's acting like a brat right now, huh, Pnam?"

Freen sighed and scratched her head as she observed the two of them fighting.

"Stop it, you two! Why don't you both admit that you like each other? You're always fighting in front of me, and it's so annoying!"

They looked at freen together.

Hanna: "Huh? What are you saying, Freen? Are you crazy? Who would like that heartless girl?"

Pnam: "Heartless? Wow! If I didn't have a heart, I wouldn't have saved you there!"

Pnam closed her eyes in annoyance, while Becky had no idea what the three of them were talking about. She simply looked at them from side to side and shook her head.

Becky: "Tsk! You guys are weird!"

Their attention turned to Becky, so she smiled awkwardly.

Becky: "Never mind. Just go ahead, don't mind me."

Pnam: "Yes, by the way, Freen, Becky, your classmate, has already been taken to the hospital."

Becky: " ok?"

Pnam: "Oh, his name is Nop. I almost forgot that he was recommended to me by one of our members."

Freen looked at Pnam in shock.

"What are you talking about?"

Pnam: "To get inside the warehouse, we had to use someone, so we thought of using him, and he agreed because it was exciting. I didn't think he would use Becky to get us inside the warehouse."