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"Why do you guys look so serious? Are you fighting?" Ken's playful inquiry prompted a simultaneous denial from Becky and Freen.

"No!" Becky and I's synchronized response elicited a chuckle from Ken, the shared moment of levity breaking the tension in the room.

"Hey! Haha, really, at the same time? Anyway, let's grab some food. We still have school today, and remember, guys, we're the ones stuck with the program today." Ken's suggestion shifted the focus to the upcoming school program, a reminder of the responsibilities awaiting them.

My realization dawned on me as i recalled my role in the program. "Oh, by the way, Freen, you're one of the singers, right?" Becky's question brought a mix of excitement and nerves as Freen prepared for her performance.

Freen nodded in response to Becky's question about memorizing the song for the performance, but a hint of guilt lingered as she admitted to herself that she hadn't fully memorized the lyrics.

"I knew it. Hmmmf..." Becky's playful exasperation was met with a sigh and a roll of the eyes from Freen, a mix of amusement and self-awareness coloring the moment.

As Becky turned her attention to Ken, a playful remark stirred a sense of camaraderie between the friends.

"What's that again, Freen? Later, you two will be fighting again. I mean, pretending to fight like that," ken's teasing tone added a touch of humor to the interaction, prompting a playful frown from Freen.

In response to Ken's banter, Freen playfully silenced him by placing a hotdog in his mouth, a lighthearted gesture that brought a moment of levity to their exchange.

"You talk too much. Just eat, okay!" Freen's playful reprimand was met with a moment of silence from Ken, his eyes meeting hers as he savored the hotdog in his mouth.

"Oh! That's rude?" Ken's playful complaint was met with amusement as he removed the hotdog from his mouth,

Becky's understanding and reassurance brought a sense of comfort to Freen. "I knew it. But it's okay, Freen. What else is new with you? You're always like that," Becky's words carried a mix of familiarity and support,

Freen's gratitude and playfulness shone through as she thanked Becky. "Thank you for helping me, best friend," her words tinged with warmth and affection, a reflection of the bond they shared.

As the school program approached, Freen's nerves began to rise, a mix of anticipation and anxiety clouding her thoughts. The realization that she hadn't practiced as much as she should have added to her stress, prompting a moment of introspection and self-calming.


Amidst the nervous energy and anticipation, Hanna's unexpected presence brought a moment of distraction. "Are you okay, Freen?" Hanna's tap on Freen's shoulder startled her, a mix of surprise and tension in the air.

"Hanna? What are you doing?!" Freen's reaction was met with a sincere apology from Hanna,

Hanna Andersson's presence added a new dynamic to the unfolding events, her background and demeanor hinting at a different perspective on the school program and their shared experiences as performers

"Why are your lips so pale, Freen? Are you nervous?" Hanna's observation prompted a moment of concern, her gesture of taking out lip balm a gentle reassurance in the midst of Freen's nerves.

"Look at me, Freen." Hanna's command drew Freen's attention,  Freen faced Hanna as she applied the lip balm,

"There! Your lips are good now." Hanna's reassurance brought a sense of calm to Freen.