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We are here at the STarbucks with Ken, and later we'll go to the restaurant when we finish early. I don't think it's a celebration after all because I know that Hanna won't stop bothering Freen, even if she knows we are now officially in a relationship. From what I could see earlier, she was declaring against me from afar. But I'm always ready for it. I entered this relationship, so I will take the risk.

Freen is at the counter, and I'm sitting here at a table. I've already started working on my homework because we need to finish it. So we might be here for a long time, but it's not a problem. I dropped my bag on my lap and took out my phone. I stared at my wallpaper, which is still a picture of Freen and me, and I smiled while looking at it.

"We made it, Freen. We made it..."
*I whisper*

Ken just bought something with Hades. Actually, I don't know if Hades really has something with Ken, but I think they are hiding something from me. Hehe, but I support them.


I looked to my side and noticed a woman approaching me. She wasn't familiar to me, so I assumed she wasn't a student at our school.

I glanced at her from head to toe.

"What?," I asked, curious about her presence.

"Is someone giving this coffee to you?" she inquired.

I was surprised. Why would someone give me a coffee?

"Who is it from?" I questioned.

She simply smiled and handed me the coffee. I reached out to take it because she had already placed it in my hand. After a while, Freen arrived with two cappuccinos. She noticed the coffee in my hand as she placed what she was holding on the table.

"Who is that from?" Freen asked me in wonder. I was just as confused because I didn't know who gave it to me.

"You mean you don't know her? Why did you accept it if you don't?" Freen asked me in surprise while sipping her coffee.

"I didn't accept it, she willingly reached out and placed it in my hand. How can I refuse?" I explained.

Freen took the cup and looked at it.

"It's a cappuccino too, but still, don't drink it, okay?"

I agreed with what she said. I didn't want to drink it either because I didn't know who gave it.

We waited for Ken for a few minutes. What are those two doing?

While doing our homework, Freen leaned on my shoulder and played with her mobile phone.

"Is Ken gay?" she asked.

I smiled at her question. Yes, she didn't know that Ken was gay because Ken didn't want to tell her. It's not because Ken is ashamed of Freen, but he might just want to avoid any complications. But I think Freen is not like that.

"Yes, we've known each other since elementary school," I replied.

"Really? Then why is he acting like your boyfriend before?" Freen asked, puzzled.

I couldn't help but laugh at what she said. The idea of Ken and me being mistaken for lovers was amusing. Ken and I are close like sisters, not by blood. I never thought that we would be mistaken for a couple.

I glanced at Freen and playfully pinched her cheek, to which she immediately complained.

"He's not acting, though. You're just assuming that there is something between me and Ken," I clarified.