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While Johvie and her colleagues were having fun, Freen couldn't help but feel sad because Johvie chose to abandon their gang. Freen knew that consequences awaited her for breaking the law, but Johvie chose to do those things out of envy and hatred towards Freen.

Freen didn't regret helping Johvie, but she realized that Johvie's choices were wrong for her. Freen felt powerless to do anything for Johvie in this situation.

Johvie: "Did I not say that you're brave when you're with your gang, but when you're alone, there's nothing you can do."

"Johvie, please stop this before it becomes even more complicated. I am willing to forgive you. Don't throw everything away just because you're jealous of me," Freen pleaded.

Johvie just laughed and sat down in front of Freen, taking pleasure in the fact that she had knelt before her.

Freen had done those things to show that she was ready to apologize if Johvie felt insecure about their friendship. However, Johvie didn't listen to Freen's intentions.

Johvie explained, "Do you know why I joined your gang? It's because I thought you would be mine, Freen. But no matter what I did, you still chose Becky! It's ironic, isn't it? While I was there for you, doing everything you wanted, I saw Hanna falling for you. But it's okay with me because I know you won't like her. I know you want Becky, and I hate that."

Freen noticed sadness in Johvie's eyes, indicating that something was wrong.

"That's why you hate me so much, Johvie?" Freen asked.

"Yes, that's why I hate you, Freen! That's why I was so happy when Hanna beat her! It was my way of getting revenge on her," Johvie confessed.

"When I begged you to look after her, did you do something to her?!" I angrily questioned Johvie.

Johvie responded, "Nothing? I thought... If you don't become mine, I will destroy you both!"

"What do you mean, Johvie?" I asked, confused and alarmed.

Johvie smirked and said, "I sent those pictures of the two of you to her parents. And do you know, Freen? I was so happy when the two of you broke up. It felt like I had won the battle."

I was shocked and outraged. "How dare you, Johvie! I trusted you! Why are you doing this to me?!"

Johvie just laughed and played with the gun in her hand.

She continued, "I still have something to confess. You don't know that I was the one who ordered Nop to pretend to take the money from the gang. But the truth is, I am the one who did it!"

"You're a traitor, Johvie! You will pay for this, Your crazy !" I exclaimed in anger.

Johvie responded: "Yes, let's say I'm crazy! But can't you blame me, Freen? I know that you will never like me, and you will never love me! So I'd rather choose this than be with you while you destroy my heart, while I see you happy with her!"

"It was all a waste, Johvie! I never thought that everything would end up like this," I said, feeling a sense of regret.

Johvie held my cheek and gently stroked my hair.

"I'm so sorry, Freen, for doing this," Johvie apologized.

I looked into Johvie's eyes,

"What are you doing, Johvie? Stop doing these things and listen to me."

Johvie sniffed at the four men standing with her.

"They'll take care of you!" she declared.

I gave Johvie a sharp look and responded firmly,