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I woke up with a throbbing headache early in the morning, so I stood up and opened the curtains in my room. Luckily, I didn't have class today, or else I would have been guaranteed to be late. I have to admit that last night, when my trauma resurfaced, I reacted emotionally and just wanted to get home. However, when Bert accelerated the car, my memories came rushing back. It reminded me of what happened two years ago, that night when my brother and I had an accident. I've been trying to forget that day, but it always comes back to my mind, tormenting me.


I was at my classmate's house for our homework. I was only fifteen years old at the time. They weren't very wealthy, and their place was messy and crowded. There were also a lot of people hanging around, which made me feel uneasy. I had no choice but to go because she was my teammate. As soon as I entered the corner of their house, I noticed two men looking at me. Their intense stares made me feel extremely nervous.

Freen actually told her classmate about the two men, but her classmate dismissed her concerns, saying they were just like that. Since they were kind to her classmate, Freen felt sorry for what she had said. They finished their homework late, so Freen called her brother to pick her up, as her classmate didn't have a car. His brother agreed immediately, and she just needed to wait for him near the highway.

While walking out, Freen noticed that the two men from earlier were following her.  She looked at them and realized it was the same men. Freen quickened her pace and immediately called her brother again.

"Hello, Freen? I'm almost there. Where are you?" his brother asked.

Freen replied anxiously, "Please hurry up, Drey! There are two men following me. I'm afraid, please..."

"What? Calm down, Freen. I'm close. As long as you listen to me, don't hang up the phone, okay?"

Freen didn't hang up and continued walking quickly, but the two men were still following her.

One of the men called out, "Miss, come on. Come with us, and we guarantee you'll enjoy it. Don't resist, or you'll get hurt!"

Tears streamed down Freen's face as she choked back a sob, her knees feeling weak at the man's words.

The other man added, "Just stop walking, miss. You know you'll get tired. And you can't ask for help here. This place is remote, and there are no people around, so you have no escape from us." They laughed menacingly.

"Drey? Please hurry... Help me, please!" Freen pleaded.

Freen immediately picked up her phone when she heard her brother's voice on the other line.

"Freen? Is that you?" his brother asked.

Freen replied with relief, "D-Drey? I'm here!"

His brother quickly stopped the car and rushed to hug Freen, showing how worried he was about her.

"You're safe now, Freen. Are you okay? Did they do something to you?" he asked with concern.

Freen responded, "I'm okay, Drey. But I'm scared..."

"Brother is here, so don't be afraid," he reassured her.

Their conversation was interrupted when one of the men who had been following Freen entered the conversation.

"And who are you to destroy our plan?!" the man yelled at Drey. "Did you think you two would make it out alive?!"

Drey clenched his fist, anger evident in his eyes as he looked at the three men in front of him.

"Don't ruin our night, bro!" another man said, patting Drey's shoulder. "If you want to be alive..."

Drey's hand shot out, his knuckles white as he gripped the man's shirt collar. "And who are you to say that in front of my sister? Just try to touch my sister with your dirty hands, and I will kill you, asshole!" he declared fiercely.

The man grinned at Drey and forcefully pushed him, causing him to fall on the side of the road. Freen immediately rushed to his brother's side and helped him stand up.

"Drey, come on! Let's go! Let's get out of here... please!" Freen pleaded.

Drey, determined to protect his sister, responded, "No, Freen. I didn't let mosquitoes touch you when you were a baby. Now these crazy pervert people are trying to touch you! I will not allow anyone to insult you, P'Freen."

One of the men taunted, "Wow! The drama between the two siblings... What if I kill you first so that there's no problem, huh?!"

Drey, filled with anger, looked at Freen and then pulled her into the car. "Don't get out of the car, do you understand me, huh, P'Freen?!" he warned.

Freen didn't answer him but firmly held her brother's hand, trying to stop him. "Drey, please don't go back! I don't want you to get hurt," she cried.

Drey gently ruffled her hair and smiled reassuringly. "Freen, I'm your brother, and I promised Mom and Dad to protect you. So don't worry, okay? Stay here."

After Drey closed the car door, he quickly returned to face the three men.  Freen watched from inside the car as her brother fought.  She knew he studied Taekwondo, so he quickly knocked them down. They thought it was over, but suddenly a black van appeared. She quickly opened the door and then ran to pull her brother into the car.

Freen pleaded, "Drey, come on! Please, just listen to me. We need to go!"

Drey swiftly entered the car, started the engine, and maneuvered to drive away from the van, but it continued to follow them.

"Drey... they're still following us. What are we going to do?" Freen asked anxiously.

Drey held Freen's hand tightly and looked at her with a serious expression. "Whatever happens, Freen, please always remember how much I love you, okay?"

As they accelerated to escape the pursuers, the van continued to tail them. Drey, trying to mislead the van, increased the speed, but suddenly a delivery truck crashed into their car.

"De--dreeey!!" Freen shouted in panic.

Before the crash, her brother hugged her, shielding her with his body. The last image she saw was his brother smiling through tears. When Freen regained consciousness in the hospital, she discovered that her older brother never made it to the hospital, and the reality sank in too late.

Freen took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding to Miggy's question.

He called to check on her because of what happened last night. My Mom and Dad were worried, but I was taken aback when he asked me about Becky.

"I'm not sure, Miggy. She's just been acting distant and angry towards me lately, and I can't figure out why," Freen explained with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Miggy listened attentively and then offered his support, "Maybe she's going through something herself, Freen. It might not be about you specifically. Have you tried talking to her about it?"

Freen sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and confusion. "I've tried, but she just shuts me out. It's like she doesn't want to talk to me anymore."

Miggy reassured her, "Give her some time, Freen. Sometimes people need space to sort out their own feelings. Just let her know that you're there for her when she's ready to talk."

Freen nodded, appreciating Miggy's advice and understanding. "Thank you, Miggy. I'll try to be patient and give her the space she needs."

Miggy smiled warmly, "That's the spirit, Freen. Remember, I'm here for you too. If you ever need someone to talk to or if your trauma starts acting up, don't hesitate to reach out."

Freen felt a sense of comfort knowing that Miggy was there to support her. "Thank you, Miggy. I'm grateful to have you as my friend."

The conversation ended, leaving Freen with a glimmer of hope that things would eventually get better with Becky and that she had someone like Miggy by her side to help her through her trauma.

Freen lay down on the sofa, suddenly remembering Becky. "What if I call her?" she hesitated. "But what if she doesn't answer my call? Ugh!"

She dialed Becky's number, but when it started ringing, she suddenly let go of her phone on the sofa. She had second thoughts about whether she should talk to Becky or not. Maybe it was because they had just fought, and she knew deep down that Becky was angry with her.

"Hello? Freen?"

Freen didn't immediately speak when Becky answered the call because no words wanted to come out of her mouth.

"You called me and now you don't want to talk?"

She gathered her strength to respond. "Ah, Becky? I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"I don't know. You suddenly got mad at me without me knowing what I did to you."

"You really don't know why I'm mad at you?"

"Well, I would ask if I knew?"

"What happened during the program? Is there anything that I should know?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Don't pretend! Didn't you and Hanna kiss backstage?"

Freen was surprised by what she said. She fell back against the sofa, closing her eyes. She hadn't expected Becky to think that she and Hanna had kissed. Her surprise turned to a mix of emotions—part of her wanted to laugh, part wanted to be angry. Becky's jealousy over Hanna made her hesitate. She didn't want to assume Becky's jealousy meant something deeper.

"What? Why can't you answer that?"

Freen took a deep breath before responding. "Why would I kiss her? Before you get angry with me, you should have asked me first!" Her voice held a sullen tone, frustrated that Becky had jumped to conclusions without discussing it with her first.

Freen didn't immediately respond, possibly realizing her error. What I had told her seemed to be the truth.

Becky sighed on the other end of the line. "Sorry, okay? Sorry... I thought you kissed her, that's why..."

"I'm just stating the truth! So you were upset because you thought she kissed me?"

Becky countered, "I didn't imply that, Freen!"

"Then why were you avoiding me?"

Becky hesitated, "Because... I had a lot to do that day. Perhaps you thought I was avoiding you!"

"Really? The entire day? And what about when I saw you and Ken... What was that behavior about?"

I expressed my complaint because, honestly, I was deeply hurt by what Becky and Ken did to me that day.

Becky questioned, "What's wrong, Freen? Are we going to argue again?"

I remained silent for a moment because I didn't want us to fight again. It was challenging to persuade her, so it was better to change the subject and avoid any trouble.

"Oh, I don't want to! It's hard to persuade you. So why should I fight with you again?"

Even though it went against my heart, I decided to be the one to humble myself because my best friend was a tough opponent.

"Tssss! Sorry."

"You're not sincere in your apology, so how can I forgive you?"

"You don't want to? Then don't!"

"Naah... Okay?"

Becky: "Okay... What do you mean?"

"I mean, okay... We're good! I'm alone right now, and I need you here, Becky!"

"You only need me when you're alone..."

"Becky, that's not true... I need you, whether I'm alone or with someone. I need you, and you know that."

She just laughed at me, which annoyed me a bit.

"Okay, fine... Forget it!"

"Freen... Wait?"


"I'm just kidding. You're so cute when you're like that..."


"I'm sorry, I'll come over now."

"Okay... I'll wait for you here at my house."

"Okay, see you. Uhmm, Freen?"


"I heard that your trauma is bothering you again?"

"Yeah! But I'm fine now. There was just a misunderstanding in my family last night."

"Is it okay now?"

"I'm fine, but I'll be even better when you're here by my side, Becky..."

Becky didn't respond immediately, so Freen thought she had hung up on her.


"I'm here. Okay, Freen... Bye."

"What was that? Why did she hang up so quickly?"

She shook her head and placed her phone on the table. I decided to lie back down on the sofa after my conversation with Becky. I turned on the TV and gazed at the ceiling.

"Why did she hang up? Did I say something she didn't like?"

The sound from the TV was loud, so I closed my eyes and listened to the noise. I found it easier to sleep when my surroundings were noisy, especially when I was alone. However, when I was with Becky, just her touch and a hug would make me fall asleep instantly. Perhaps it was my love for her that made me feel so at ease when she was by my side.


I immediately called Ken because I felt bad about what I had done to her yesterday.

"Oh, sis? Why did you suddenly call me?"

"I'm going to Freen's house now. Will you come with me?"

"Sorry, sis! I have to go somewhere now."

"You have a date now? Who is it? Do I know him?"

"Uhmmmmf! You don't know him, sis! But if he could transfer to our school, I'll introduce you to him, okay?"

"Huh? Which school? Our school?"

"Secret... You'll find out when he's here."


I went to the grocery store first because I needed to buy some food. I wanted to cook her favorite dish when I arrived at her house. I knew she hadn't eaten yet because Freen doesn't know how to cook. Even boiling an egg can be a challenge for her. That's why she avoids cooking, afraid of burning her food again. Freen had given me a duplicate key to her house, so I didn't need to ring the doorbell anymore.

I parked my car in front of her house and opened the gate. As I entered, I noticed that the TV was on with the volume turned up. Knowing that she was sad and afraid to be alone when she acted like this, I held my breath. I took the remote and turned off the TV. Freen was sleeping on the sofa, so I sat at the bottom of the sofa and watched her carefully.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, Freen. I can't help but feel jealous when other girls are close to you."


I held her hand and stroked her hair. It seemed like she was having a dream.

"If only I could take away your pain, Freen. But I don't know how to heal the pain you feel. I know you love your brother very much."

Freen: "Becky! Don't go away... Stay with me, please!"

I held her hand and kissed her cheek. "I'm not leaving, Freen. I'm here! I won't leave you."

I wanted to kiss her on the lips, but she suddenly woke up, so I pretended to be looking at the ceiling.


She immediately hugged me, and we almost fell to the floor. "Thank you for coming."

I couldn't help but smile. I was happy to be with her now. I knew it was wrong, but I loved her. I couldn't even admit to her that I loved her, but I would make her feel how important she was in my life.

"We're best friends, remember?"

"I miss you so much."

I still felt guilty about what I did to her yesterday, but I was happy that we were okay now. "I miss you more. I'm sorry I got angry with you yesterday."

"It's okay as long as you're here, I'm okay with that."

I couldn't help but smile and kissed her on her forehead. But I stopped when she stared at me for a second. I didn't know what to do, so I avoided looking at her, as her eyes seemed to be telling me to kiss her.

"Why don't you try kissing me here?"

She points to her lips.

I looked away from her and quickly stood up, letting go of her. "Ouch! That hurts, you know?!"

"Stop it, Freen!"

"Stop where?"

"I'm your best friend! Don't act like a baby."

"What? I don't mind if you kiss me, baby."

She said that while laughing. I muttered under my breath.

I rolled my eyes and glared at her. This girl is crazy. "Just kidding... Don't be mad, okay?"

I arranged the groceries and put them on the table. "Have you eaten?"

"Ahmmmf! Can I eat you? Ahh... Awww, I mean, no!"

This girl pissed me off. I gave her a death glare. "Seriously... Stop teasing me!"

"I'm sorry, baby?"

"Just help me fix this before I lose my temper."

"Okay... Okay... Just calm down, baby! Chill."

She raised her hand in response.