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When we entered the warehouse, our staff greeted us immediately. Ken and I got out of the car and headed to the office, thinking that Pnam might be there. However, she was not present when we arrived.

Pnam had instructed the four guards to watch over her captive, so we quickly made our way to the other corner of the warehouse where the captive was held. He was tied up and blindfolded.

"Let me go! Fuck you! If my boss finds out about this, all of you will die."

Freen patted both of his cheeks.

Freen: "Who is your boss? Tell me!"

"You don't know our gang, so get ready when I get out of here."

Freen: "Hmmm! You're a member of the traitor's gang, right?"

"How did you know the name of our gang? Are you one of the spies, huh? Are you an accomplice of that girl?"

Freen: "Yes! That's why you're here right now, in my territory, the Wolf Mafia Gang!"

"Who are you really?"

Freen composed herself and pulled his hair.

Freen: "It's just me, your worst nightmare!"

She then let go of his hair and turned to face Ken.

Freen: "Why did Pnam bring that man here to the warehouse?"

Ken: "Maybe we can ask him about their captive elders whom they are torturing."

Freen looked at Ken in shock.

Freen: "What? Why are they torturing them? They are too evil to commit such horrible acts!"

Ken: "Just call Pnam and talk to her about him."

Freen quickly called Pnam, but it just kept ringing and no one answered.

"Where is Pnam and why isn't she answering my calls?"

Ken: "I don't know either. Call her again, maybe something happened."

Freen dialed Pnam's number again, and this time someone answered.

"Hello, Freen? This is Hanna."

Freen put her phone away and looked at Ken.

Ken: "Why?"

"Hanna answered her phone?"

Hanna: "Hello, Freen, are you still there?"

She asked, prompting Freen to bring her phone closer again before answering Hanna on the other line.

"Ahhmmf! Why do you have Pnam's phone? Where is she?"

Hanna: "Ahh- She's? Ahhhh- Fuck! Because Freen, Aisssst!"

"What's the matter, Hanna? Just tell me directly what happened to Pnam?"

Hanna: "Pnam has a fever... that's what I wanted to tell you, but I'm shy, fuck!"

Ken and I looked at each other, puzzled. Pnam doesn't get sick easily, so why did she suddenly fall ill?

"Fever? It's unusual for her to have a fever. Where is she now?"

Hanna: "We're still on the road. Pnam parked her car here on the side of the road, but I don't know where to take her!"

Ken: "Bring her here to the warehouse, Hanna."

Hanna: "Is that Ken?"

Hanna: "Uhmmmmm!"

I responded briefly to her.