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A while ago, my phone kept ringing incessantly. I knew it was Hades calling, but I didn't want to answer because I didn't know what else I could say to him.

You know that feeling when you love someone, but you're tired of all their excuses.

I don't understand why Hades led us to this point after graduation. I didn't expect anything because he promised me that after graduation, he would introduce me to his parents so that we could be official. But my expectations were shattered because after graduation, things didn't go as planned. I tried not to expect too much to avoid getting hurt.


Hades: "I'm sorry, Ken. I promise, after this, I will do what I promised you. I swear."

"That's why I'm so fragile. I forgave him because I love him so much! Today is our graduation, and Hades' family is here to attend the ceremony.

Hades: "Hi, Dad? Hi, Mom?"

His dad: "Congratulations, son!"

He hugged Hades, and Hades did the same in return. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hi, Tito?"

I greeted his mom and his dad, and they greeted me back. I smiled at them because they somehow knew me.

His dad: "Oh, Ken? It's good that you're still friends with my son. How many girlfriends does my son have here, huh?"

He elbowed me, and I forced a superficial smile.

"Ah, Tito, what is it?"

Hades: "Ah, Dad? Of course, I have many crushes here. You see, there are many beautiful girls at our school, right, Ken?"

"That's good! I don't want you to be like those other young people out there who act like girls. It's nonsense! Boys should act like boys, and girls should act like girls! Shame on those people. Before you and Ken go to college, each of you should have a girlfriend to introduce to me. Deal?"

I looked at Hades, sighed, but it seemed like he didn't care about how I felt. So during the ceremony, I didn't talk to him until after our graduation. He left me and broke his promise to introduce me to his family as his boyfriend.

After finishing breakfast at Freen's house, I went outside and walked to the garden without realizing that Hades was following me.

Hades: "Why are you alone here?"

I didn't say a word to him and quietly watched the beautiful view in the distance.

Hades: "Ken? I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise to you. I was afraid of my dad."

I turned to him and gave him an emotionless look.

"That's what you always said, Hades! How many promises did you make that you didn't fulfill?"

Hades sat next to me and was about to touch my hand, but I avoided it.

"Maybe it would be better if we let go of each other, so that we can both have more time to think about what we really want."

Hades: "Wh-What do you mean, Ken?"

"Let's break up, Hades."

Hades: "What? Ken, no!"

Hades begged me tearfully.

"Let's end this! I don't want to gamble with nothing, Hades!"

Hades: "Ken, please! Give me a chance. I promise this time I'll make it up to you."