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"Where am I?" Hanna sobbed as she stood there, looking at her surroundings. She had stumbled upon a quiet and deserted playground, which only added to her fear.

She sat there for a few minutes when she noticed a girl sitting under the slide, crying and hunched over. Despite her hesitation, Hanna approached her to ask a question.

"Are you okay?"

The girl raised her tear-filled eyes and looked at Hanna. It was clear that she was even sadder than Hanna, and had gone through something more intense than her own situation.


"They don't love me anymore, they don't want me anymore," the girl sobbed.

Hanna reached out and held her hand, comforting her.

"We're just the same. We're not loved by our parents. But don't worry, from now on, you can be friends with me. Do you want us to be best friends from now on?"

Hanna smiled at her, gently wiping away her tears.

"Yes, I'm Freen. What about you? What's your name?"

Hanna smiled back and extended her hand towards Freen.

"I'm Hanna Anderson. From now on, Freen, you're my best friend! Promise?"

They reached for each other's hands and made a promise of friendship.

FREEN: "Promise!"


Since that day, they have been together no matter where they go. But suddenly, everything changed when the new neighbor moved in.

Freen: "Hanna, do you know that girl?"

She pointed to the girl who was outside her house playing with a doll. Hanna felt disgusted and jealous, so she approached her.

Hanna: "Hey, kid! Don't play here in front of our house."

The girl just looked at her and ignored her, which annoyed Hanna even more.

"I said, don't play here in front."

She grabbed the doll that the girl was holding and threw it away. You could see the impending tears in the girl's eyes as she cried in front of Hanna.


She sobbed, and Freen came over to help her stand up.

Freen: "Hanna, what are you doing? Why did you throw her doll? You're being mean to her. Why are you like that?"

Hanna looked at Freen and then at the girl with sadness in her eyes. She didn't mean to harm the kid; she was just jealous because she didn't want Freen to be taken away from her.

"Alright! I'm the bad one. You really defended her over me, Freen. Are you going to choose me or her?"

Freen just stared at her, unable to say anything, but she wanted Hanna to apologize.

Freen: "Hanna, just apologize to her, please! Then we'll be fine, huh?"

"Freen, who will you choose between the two of us?"

No answer came out of Freen's mouth, so Hanna decided to run away from them. She didn't want to hear what Freen was going to say.

Freen: "Hannnaaaaaaaa?"

Freen chased after Hanna, but she couldn't catch up as Hanna suddenly disappeared from her sight. Since then, they never talked to each other until Hanna and her parents moved out from their previous house. However, Hanna always said hello to Freen's parents until they studied in high school. But one day, Hanna heard about what happened to Freen and her brother, so she hurried to go to the hospital.