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After the first subject, I went out to go to the restroom because I really needed to pee earlier! I happened to meet Johvie outside the classroom, so I waved at her.

"Where are you going?"
*I asked her.*

She came to me and kissed my cheek.

Johvie: "To the council, because we have a meeting today!"

"You mean the council in the gang or here in the school?"

She laughed at my question, so I laughed too.

Johvie: "Here at the school, haha. I just heard that your parents own this school?"

"Ah, yes! But my parents are partners with Freen's parents and Hanna's parents."

Johvie: "So... you mean you've known each other since childhood?"

"Ah, really? Freen and I have been best friends since we were kids! And about Hanna?"

Johvie: "I heard that Hanna was Boss Freen's missing friend before. Didn't she tell you that?"


Johvie: "I just overheard them talking, but you can ask Hanna to be sure."


Johvie: "I'll go first, Beck. I might be late for our meeting."

"I entered the restroom as Johvie left. Is Hanna really Freen's friend from before? Why didn't she mention it to me?"

After I finished, I returned to our classroom. Our teacher wasn't there yet, so I approached Freen and leaned on her.

"Can I ask something?"

Freen: "Uhmm..."

She answered me sparingly.

"How long have you and Hanna known each other?"

She looked at me, sighed, and then answered.

Freen: "I forgot to tell you, Beck, that Hanna is my missing best friend from before. Did I not mention her to you?"

"Uhh, how did you meet her? Or rather, how did you know that she was your friend before?"

She just smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

Freen: "She confessed to me."

I looked at Hanna behind me. She smiled at me, so I smiled back. I didn't dwell on it anymore because Freen had already explained the situation to me.

I almost forgot that we have a pictorial for our graduation next week. I'm excited because Freen and I are finally going to college.

Our second subject, math, has also started, and we are attentively listening to our teacher. Ma'am Ethel is the type of teacher who often gives quizzes, so it's crucial to pay attention during her lectures. Getting a low score in her subject could have a significant impact on our future.

Even though we are the children of the school's owners, it's not common for our teachers to be lenient. There are only three knowledgeable teachers here—our adviser, the admin, and the school council president.

After the math subject, it was our break time, so Freen and I went to the canteen together. Hades and Ken followed us, along with Hanna.

Hanna: "Becky, what will you eat for breakfast?"

I touched Freen's hand, prompting her to look at me since she was facing her phone.

"What's our breakfast, love?"