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As the soft morning light gently touched my cheek, I stirred awake, feeling a dull ache in my head. With a groan, i reached for my phone on the bedside table, trying to piece together the events of the previous night, clouded by the haze of too much alcohol.

"Thank goodness you're awake freen," Becky's voice, tinged with concern, greeted her, though i could sense a hint of disapproval in her tone. Confusion clouded my mind as i wondered why i was waking up next to Becky instead of being at the pool as i remembered.

"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my temples, trying to shake off the remnants of my fuzzy memory.

Becky's expression hinted at disappointment, but she remained silent, prompting me to question further, feeling a mix of annoyance and curiosity.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Becky finally inquired, her eyes searching for answers in my gaze.

Frustrated by her own lack of recollection, i couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at Becky's unspoken concerns. "I don't know. That's why I'm asking, so I can understand," i responded, hoping to ease the tension between us.

Becky's response carried a hint of exasperation, urging me to let go of the past night's uncertainties. Sensing Becky's growing irritation, i pressed on, eager to unravel the mystery of my missing memories.

"Becky, what really happened?" I persistence reflected my genuine desire to mend any misunderstandings and move forward positively.

Becky's terse mention of Ken's involvement in bringing me to my room only fueled my curiosity, tinged with a hint of jealousy towards my best friend ken. "Where is Ken now?" I inquired, trying to mask my inner turmoil.

"He's sleeping," Becky's curt reply hinted at a deeper undercurrent of emotions.

My question lingered in the air, a mix of uncertainty and unintended implications coloring the atmosphere. "When I was asleep, what did you and Ken do?" I ventured, my words laced with a hint of curiosity.

Becky's response was nonchalant, her tone casual as she countered, "What should we do?" Her question, though innocent, struck a chord of confusion in me, who realized the unintended implications of her words.

The realization dawned on me, a flush of embarrassment coloring my cheeks as i scrambled to clarify my inquiry. "Ahhh- I mean, what should you do after you brought me here to my room like that?" I hurriedly clarified, My words stumbling over each other in a bid to rectify the misunderstanding.

Becky's expression shifted, a flicker of irritation crossing her features as she processed my words. Sensing Becky's annoyance, i instinctively took a step back, a subtle retreat born out of a mix of embarrassment and a tinge of fear.

"What do you mean? Tell me... Are you jealous of him?" she inquired, her words carrying a hint of curiosity and a touch of apprehension.

I response was laced with nervousness, a lump forming in my throat at the implication of Becky's question. "Huh? Me... Why would I be jealous of him?" My words tumbled out, a mix of confusion and denial coloring my tone.

Becky's reply was cryptic, a subtle hint of uncertainty underlying her words. "I don't know, Should I ask if I know?" she mused, her gaze searching my face for any sign of hidden emotions.

I attempt to gauge Becky's true feelings was met with a firm denial. "Are you mad?" I probed, a note of concern creeping into my voice as i sought clarity amidst the swirling emotions.

Becky's assurance was swift, a firm declaration that belied the unspoken tension between them. "I'm not, okay?!" she asserted, her words a shield against the vulnerability that threatened to surface.