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After returning home from the hospital, we headed straight to the memorial to visit my brother Drey. It was important for me to introduce Becky to him and officially introduce her to my parents. I wanted her to feel how special she is in my life and to show my pride in her as the woman I love.

At the memorial, we caught up with my mom and dad. I greeted them warmly and kissed them on the cheek, despite feeling angry with my dad. I still maintained my respect for him.

As Becky held my hand, my parents noticed the interaction between us. My mom couldn't help but ask, "Are you guys for real?"

I was taken aback by my mom's question. I responded, "Do you know that Becky and I are in a relationship?"

This moment was significant as it marked the official introduction of Becky to my family and the acknowledgment of our romantic involvement.

After my mom's warm response, she smiled, patted me on the shoulder, and hugged Becky.

Mommy: "Miggy told us everything. So no matter what happens, we are here – your dad and I are always here supporting you, freen."

I couldn't help but smile at my mom's words, appreciating their unconditional support.

Mommy: "Can I talk to Becky for a while, freen?"

I nodded, acknowledging that my mom had a history of wanting to connect with Becky, even when we were just friends. Dad stood next to me as Mom and Becky walked away, leaving us in front of my brother's grave.

Daddy: "I'm sorry, freen. If I was a careless father to you, I apologize. Losing your brother hit me hard, and I didn't do enough for either of you. But now, your brother's case has been reopened, and I appreciate the leader of the wolf gang for bringing justice to his loss."

Dad embraced me, and I reciprocated, patting his shoulder.

"It's okay, Dad. I understand why things were the way they were."

Daddy: "Please let me make it up to you. Look at your mom; she's really happy talking to your girlfriend."

I agreed with Dad's sentiment and glanced over at Mom and Becky, engaged in a cheerful conversation.

Daddy: "Take care of Becky, freen. I know she loves you so much. And ignore what other people say. As long as you two are happy, okay?"

"Yes, Dad."

Afterwards, we headed to a restaurant for lunch since Becky and I hadn't eaten yet, and my parents hadn't had lunch either. I noticed a black car that had been following us earlier, but I decided to let it go, choosing instead to focus on enjoying lunch with my family.

This series of events marked an important moment in our relationships – the acceptance and support of my family, bridging gaps, and moving forward together.

Becky: "Freen?"

My attention turned to Becky.

"Uhmmmm, why?"

Becky: "Are you okay?"

I just smiled at her and stroked her hair...

"I'll just go to the toilet for a while, okay."

She nodded, so I left the table and went out.

She immediately took out her cellphone from her pocket and called someone. After that, she quickly went back inside and stood next to Becky.

Becky: "Where have you been?"

"To the restroom, love. Why?"

I think Becky didn't believe what I said, so I sighed and whispered close to her ear.