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I understood Hades' concern for Freen's safety, but I couldn't help but feel frustrated. Freen and I had been through so much, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing her. I knew that rushing into a dangerous situation was not the best course of action, but Freen's determination and stubbornness often clouded her judgment.

"Look, Hades, I appreciate your concern for Freen, but we need to think this through. Going after Nop and River without a plan is risky. We need to consider the consequences and find a safer way to handle this situation."

Hades sighed and looked at me with a mix of frustration and worry.

"I know, Ken, but Freen is my friend, and I can't just stand by and do nothing. I understand your concerns, but I can't let her face this danger alone."

I could see the determination in Hades' eyes, and I knew that convincing him otherwise would be difficult. I had to find a way to ensure Freen's safety while also addressing Hades' concerns.

"Alright, Hades, I understand your perspective. Let's go together, but we need to be cautious and plan our approach. We can't afford to make any rash decisions that could put Freen in more danger. We'll find a way to protect her and bring her back safely."

Hades nodded, relieved that I was willing to compromise. We got into the car, with Hanna still sitting in the backseat, and I started driving towards Nop's location. As we drove, I couldn't help but worry about the outcome of this situation. I hoped that Freen would be safe and that we could find a way to resolve everything without any further harm.

It was a tense and uncertain journey, but we were determined to do whatever it took to protect Freen and bring her back home.


I nodded in agreement with Pnam's words. The sudden gunshots had put us on high alert, and we needed to proceed with caution. I gripped the gun tightly in my hand, ready to defend myself if necessary.

"You're right, Pnam. We need to stay focused and be prepared for anything. Let's move carefully and try to locate the source of those gunshots."

We continued to move forward, our senses heightened as we scanned the surroundings for any signs of danger. The silence that enveloped the area made me uneasy, as if something were lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike.

As we cautiously made our way through the area, we came across a dimly lit corridor. The sound of footsteps echoed, growing louder with each passing moment. Pnam and I exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging the imminent confrontation.

We didn't find anything When we get in,only a table and a chair and on the side But I stopped when I saw someone which is wrapped his head tied and covered with a bag while there was a paper written on his clothes, so I immediately approached and took the paper that stuck to his clothes.

I was taken aback by Nop's words and the revelation that River was also involved in this situation. My anger and frustration grew as I realized the gravity of the danger we were in. I quickly removed the tape from River's mouth, allowing him to speak.

"River, why did you come here? I asked, my voice filled with concern.

River struggled to speak, his words muffled at first. "They're on their way to the hospital now, Freen. Becky's situation is dangerous. You and Pnam are trapped here. They're not here anymore."

My heart sank as I processed River's words. Becky's safety was at stake, and we were caught in a trap. Before I could respond, a gunshot rang out from behind me, causing me to curse in frustration.


The situation had taken a turn for the worse, and I knew we had to act quickly to ensure our survival and rescue Becky. I turned to Pnam, a determined look in my eyes.