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" Freen ? You don't have a class today.."

I ask freen.We're here at the warehouse, with kisya, just as long as nop can't get inside here in the warehouse because there are many guards here. But I'm still not complacent because I'm sure that Nop is just around watching us.

Freen :" It's a holiday so there's no school. We'll go out later to buy food for you here. Pnam said they ran out of stock so we have to go grocery shopping.."

I immediately agreed with her.

"Who's With Us?"

I asked Freen who was busy with what she was doing.

Freen: " Just The two of us, Becky can be left here in the warehouse.. We also have three security guards so don't worry about  were safe. "

I sigh,And feel nervous. And I don't know why I feel I feel this way .

Freen: "Are you ok? I think you're anxious, is there a problem?"

I just smiled at her and tried to fix myself so that sHe doesn't worry about me anymore,

" I'm ok freen, I'm just afraid for our safety. But if something bad  happened to me ? I hope you will take good care of my  sister If only you could treat her like your real sister... "

She frowned because of what I said and she immediately pinched Me on the side.

Freen : "What the hell are you saying johvie ! it's not funny ok ? "

I smiled slightly and glanced at my sister sitting in the living room.

" I'm just saying it freen .. Incase you know ?"

Freen : " Even though.. It's still not ok to hear that kind of words from your mouth.. "

While in the car, I still couldn't get rid of the nervousness in my chest that I felt a while ago, I looked at Freen and hugged her arm so she look at me and then she smiled.

Freen : " Everything will be ok johvie, Everything will return to normal when Nop is caught. "

I nodded and smiled at her. I want to feel her,I feel like I'm going to miss her so much I know that she's with me but I feel like I'm not gonna see her for long.

It's just weird..

When we arrived at the Grocery, our three colleagues from the Gang followed us, It's not very obvious because Freen didn't make them wear suits so it looks like we're just friends doing grocery a shopping together..

Freen: "Do you want anything johvie? Did you buy anything for Kisha ? "

I peeked at the cart and check it  one by one. Everything was complete so I look at her and told her that everything is ok.

"No more freen. I bought Everything for Kisha,"

I answered her and she immediately smiled at me and grabbed the cart in my hand and pushed it away from me while 🛒 going around inside the grocery store. .

"Hey freen? What are you doing ?"

I chased Her while sHe pushed the cart, Then sHe laughed like a child so I laughed also while running behind Her.

because of what freen was doing, our guards ran also while laughing .

" Freen... Wait ?"

When I caught up with her, I immediately pulled her clothes so she turned and look at me before she  Laughed again. I also laugh while I'm trying to pull her clothes so that she would stop with what she was doing..But I stop Immediately when she saw a dried mango.