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When we arrived at school, Hanna and I couldn't resist peeking into the auditorium to see the venue for our ball. As we entered, Hanna's face lit up with a smile.

Hanna exclaimed, "Wow! I like it, Freen."

I simply smiled in response.

"Yeah! I like it too."

Then Hanna pulled me towards our classroom. Becky was already there when we arrived. She glanced at both of us and locked eyes with me. I wanted to approach her, but I felt nervous and afraid that she might not want to talk to me because of what happened last night.

We don't have school today because our teachers are busy preparing for the ball tonight. The rest of my class is outside practicing their dance routines.

However, since Becky will be leaving after the ball, I feel the need to talk to her, even if it's just for a moment. As I was about to approach her, Nop suddenly came and sat next to her.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds, trying to calm myself down.

"He's really getting on my nerves," I whispered to myself.

Hanna noticed my distress and asked,

Hanna: "Hey, Freen, are you okay?"

She glanced at Nop and Becky, who were now sitting side by side.

"How can I be okay when Nop keeps approaching Becky, even though Becky doesn't like it?"

Nop must have noticed that I was looking at them, so he looked at me and gave me a teasing smile.

"If I could break this man's bones, I would! But since he teases me, I'll tease him back."

I approached both of them, and Nop looked at me with an evil expression. So, I decided to tease him even more.


Becky immediately looked at me and smiled, so I smiled back at her. Hanna followed me.

Becky: "Is there a problem?"

"Ahhh, nothing! I just wanted to ask you out so we could talk," I replied.

I was taken aback when Nop suddenly stood up and faced me. Seeing him angry and staring at me, Hanna stood by my side.

Nop: "Are you really blind? You saw that Becky and I were talking. Why did you ask her out?"

I let out a loud sigh in response.

Nop: "What is your problem?"

"Ah, you're asking about my problem? Don't you already know? Nop, YOU are my problem. You're always clinging to Becky, even though she clearly doesn't reciprocate your feelings," I replied.

I could see annoyance in his eyes, but it quickly transformed into a spiteful smile.

Nop: "Really? You're not so sure."

Becky stood up and positioned herself between us.

Becky: "That's enough! You guys keep fighting. Can you stop now?"

Hanna pulled me slightly and faced Nop.

Hanna: "He's the one who really hates Freen! Because deep down, he knows that you still want Freen and not him!"

Nop angrily pushed me, leaving me shocked. Fortunately, Hanna quickly grabbed  me to prevent me from falling.

Nop: "What did you say! YOU!!"

In response, I pushed him back, but he managed to hold onto a chair to avoid falling completely.

Hanna: "What! What!"

Nop: "Don't interfere; you're not involved here!"

Becky: "What the hell! Can you please stop?"

Hanna: "I don't care! You know what, Nop? Maybe there's something wrong with your mind, that's why you're like this. You're so difficult to understand! You're like abnormal."

I reprimanded Hanna, concerned that the fight might escalate further.

Freen: "Hanna..."

Nop: "What did you say? Abnormal? I can hurt you for saying that, so you'll know how abnormal I can be, Hanna..."

Hanna: "Try it! Don't just talk!"

Nop was about to harm Hanna, but I quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it.

"If you don't stop, I will break your hand!" I threatened him.

However, he just smiled at my words and moved his face closer to mine.