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While talking to the crew, I could feel Becky is nervous because it was obvious in her eyes and the way she acted, so I held her hand to calm her down.

Crew: " Don't worry, we'll look at the CCTV so we can find out who brought that coffee to you, ma'am. I'm sorry, this poisoning is just happened now here in Starbucks.

Becky: "Freen, come on! Let's go.. We need to go at the hospital."

We hurried out of Starbucks and called Ken.

Ken: "H--Hello?"
Ken stuttered on the other line.

"Where are you and Hades? How is he?"

Ken: "Hades lost consciousness while we were on our way, so we went straight to the nearest hospital."

"Where are you at the hospital so we can follow you?"

Ken: "We went straight to the Capitol Medical Center so we wouldn't be too far away."

"Ok, ok. We're on our way."


Becky immediately hurried to call a taxi.

Taxi: "Where are we going, ma'am?"

Becky: "Let's go to the Capitol Medical Center."

Becky and I immediately got in the car so that we could follow Ken. I was still nervous because this was the first time something like this had happened to me, or rather, to my friends. Even though Hades wasn't very close to me, I still worried about him.

Becky: "Are you okay?"
She stroked Freen's back.

Freen suddenly felt tightness in her chest and weakness in her body. At that point, she knew that her trauma was attacking her right now.

"Becky..." Freen said regretfully while holding her chest.

Becky: "What happened to you, Freen?"

Taxi: "Ma'am, is there a problem with her?"

Becky: "Please take it easy."

Taxi Driver: "Why, ma'am? Is your friend sick?"

Becky: "She had trauma from the speed of the car, so please..."

The taxi driver immediately slowed down the speed of the car.

Becky: "Baby? Are you okay? Do you hear me? Please say something!"

I could almost hear what she was saying to me, but I only felt her hand holding my cheek, her hugs, and her tears falling on my cheeks. I felt hurt thinking that I made Becky cry.


I immediately hugged her tightly because, for the first time, my trauma didn't attack. Just like I said, when I'm hurt, that's when my trauma usually resurfaces, especially with people who are important to me.

I smiled with joy. Maybe it's true what Miggy told me, that Becky might be the cure for my trauma.

We arrived at Capitol Medical Center and immediately went to the emergency room. Ken was just standing there, looking worried. I called him, and he quickly came over to us.

I held his hand and tap his shoulder.

"Everything will be okay, Ken. Calm down," I reassured him.

Becky chimed in, "She's right, Ken. Everything will be fine. Don't worry. Anyway, what did the doctor say?"

Ken replied, "The doctor is still examining him, so I don't know what's going on."

" I just really want to know who gave that fucking coffee. Swear she will pay for it."

"Calm down, Freen, okay? Let's not think about that right now. The most important thing is Hades. " Becks said, trying to calm me down.

" I'm so worried about him," I said.

"Alright, Freen, calm down and sit down, okay?"

Becky urged. She immediately sat down and watched the two of us while we talked. A little later, the doctor came out and looked for Ken.

"The good news is, he's okay now. Don't worry," the doctor assured us.

Ken asked, "Doc, what happened to him?"

The doctor sighed and then looked at us seriously.

"He was poisoned by the coffee he drank. It's a good thing you brought him here right away because if you hadn't, there was a possibility that he wouldn't have made it to the hospital, and the poison could have spread through his body."

"Whaaaaaaat? Thank God he's fine now. Thank you, doc," Ken exclaimed.

Becky added, "Freen is right! But who would want to poison him?"

"Guys, you need some rest. We still have school tomorrow. You need to sleep. I will take care of Hades," Ken suggested.

"Don't worry, I'll let our teacher know what happened to Hades and why you can't go in, okay?" I assured him.

"Thank you, Freen. Thank you, Becky," Ken expressed his gratitude.

"It's okay, Ken. Don't forget to call if anything happens, okay?" I reminded him. He immediately agreed.

I sighed and gently held Becky's hand.

"Don't worry, baby. I'm going to find out who did it. Don't worry, okay?" She nodded and tightened her grip.

Becky asked, "Freen, what happened in the taxi earlier? Was your trauma attacking you?"

I helped her sit on the bed. "We're here at home, and we need to rest because we have school tomorrow. I'm so tired right now."

I sighed and replied, "Yes, but I'm fine now. It's a miracle that my trauma didn't resurface, and I'm so happy because of that. And you know what?" I hugged Becky. "You're the reason why my trauma hasn't resurfaced again."

Becky couldn't believe it. "Are you lying?"

"No, Becky! I'm not lying. You're the reason because you make me feel safe and loved," I confessed. Becky gently patted my back.

"Just tell me what I should do, Freen, because I'm ready to do anything for you," Becky said sincerely.

"It's okay, Becc. Just being here by my side, I'm happy," I replied. I gently touched Becky's cheek and kissed her.

"U can do everything you want, Freen," Becky whispered softly in my ear. I felt her breath close to me.

"Becky... I need you,"

I confessed. I couldn't take my eyes off her neck. I had wanted to kiss her for a long time, and now she was right in front of me. I swallowed nervously as Becky took my hand and held it. It felt like an electric current surged through me at that moment. But I was also afraid because I still had no experience in these things. However, with Becky like this, I might not be able to hold back my feelings.