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We arranged our requirements early for our enrollment today. I'm taking a business course, and I don't know what course she's taking up. She said that she will not continue to pursue a law course because it might be difficult for her. Even if her grandma gets mad at her, she will no longer pursue that course.

Freen: "Why are you looking at me, huh? Is there any dirt on my face?"

"There is no dirt, Freen. I was thinking about what course you are going to take."

Freen: "Ahem... Bachelor of Fine Arts?"

"Huh? Is that really what you want to take? Why don't you consider taking a course like mine?"

Freen: "What course are you going to take? Have you thought about it?"

"Um, yes, I intend to take a business course because my dad said I need to study our business, just in case, you know..."

She just sighed before adjusting her white long-sleeved polo, blue pants, and white Nike rubber shoes.

Freen: "Then go for it?"

"You don't want to take a business course? Aren't you also the one who will inherit your businesses at the end of the day?"

Freen: "Yeah, I know that, Beck. But I love Arts. I also learned about business, just in case, right?"

I didn't argue with her anymore because maybe our conversation about business would end up somewhere else.

Freen: "Becky?"

I turned and looked at her. She was holding a blower and standing behind me.

"What will you do?"

Freen: "To dry your hair quickly?"

She blew dry my hair while combing it. I smiled because of what she did. A simple act of service made me happy. After that, we left the house together and went to her car. I forgot to tell you that she already has a driver's license, and I'm so happy that she already has it.

Freen: "Haven't you forgotten anything?"

I was about to answer her question when my phone rang, so I picked it up and answered it while Freen was leaning against her car.

"Um, Hanna?"

Freen: "Why did Hanna call you?"

Freen whispered softly to me. I signaled to her that I didn't know, so she didn't ask any more.

Hanna: "What time are you and Freen enrolling?"

"Um, we are leaving now."

Hanna: "Can we go together?"

"Okay. Let's meet in front of the school, okay?"

Hanna: "Okay, thank you, Becky."

After we finished our conversation, Freen opened the car door for me before getting inside.

Freen: "What did Hanna say?"

"Um, she wants to come with us, you know, to enroll together, I guess?"

I answered her while she started the car's engine.

Freen: "Is that so? What course is Hanna going to take?"

"I don't know."

Fast forward ⏩

We were outside the building when we got off, and I immediately saw Hanna leaning on the car while looking at her watch. Freen and I approached her quickly.