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I woke up and realized that Becky was no longer by my side, which made me feel confused and worried that she might have left me. I quickly got out of bed and left the room. I was feeling a bit tired from my boxing practice the previous night. As I stepped out of the room, I noticed that Becky was engaged in a phone conversation.

"Becky?" I called out to her, and she turned towards me, tears swelling in her eyes.


"Are you crying? Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

Freen gently wiped Becky's tears away and caressed her cheek.

Becky: "P'Freen?"

"Yes, Becky? What happened?" Freen inquired, noticing Becky's increased crying.

Becky sobbed even harder as Freen asked her.

Becky: "Dad had a heart attack... And now he's in the ICU!"

Freen hugged Becky tightly and gently tapped her hair.

"Ah, why? What happened? Let's go to the hospital," Freen said, feeling a bit disoriented. However, Freen could sense hesitation in Becky's eyes.

Becky: "No... You can't, Freen!"

Freen stopped, surprised by Becky's words, and wondered why she didn't want her to go along.

"Is there a problem?" Freen asked, seeking clarification.

Becky hesitated for a moment before speaking.

Becky: "Dad already knows about our relationship. Someone sent them a photo, and it made him very angry, causing him to have a heart attack."

She sat on the sofa, looking at Becky who stood in front of her, crying while holding her phone.

"So... What am I going to do now?" Freen asked, her voice filled with confusion and concern.

Becky looked at her with sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Becky. It's all my fault. I'm sorry..." Freen apologized, feeling guilty.

Becky reassured her, saying, "No, it's okay, Freen. It's not your fault. I'm sorry if I can't be with you right now. I'm afraid that when my mom sees you, she will be even angrier with both of us. Do you understand me, right?"

Freen let out a sigh, understanding the complexity of the situation.

"I'm ready to accept whatever they want to do to me, Becky!"

Becky responded, "Freen, not now... I don't want everything to get more complicated, please?! "What if they keep you away from me?"

Becky continued with determination, "I will find a way to be with you again, Freen. Don't worry, okay?"

Even though she was in pain, she tried to smile so that Becky wouldn't see her hurt. As Becky left, she held her chest, feeling her trauma resurfacing. She lay down on the sofa, trying to calm herself.

"What if she never comes back?" she thought, tears streaming down her face.

"F*ck, I really hate this!" she exclaimed in frustration.

Feeling the need to talk to someone, she dialed Ken's number. She didn't want to entertain negative thoughts, as they might trigger her trauma even more.

Ken: "Oh, hello Freen?"

"Ken, Becky's dad is in the ICU right now..."

Ken: "Huh? What... What happened, Freen?"