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Freen woke up early because she had to go to school. Hanna was still at her house with the other members of the gang, keeping a close eye on her due to recent events. Freen quickly took a shower and when she emerged from her room, she was already dressed in her school uniform. As she was organizing her backpack in the living room, Ken was already there, arranging his belongings.

Ken: "Freen, I have something to give you."

Freen sat down next to Ken and extended her palm, waiting to see what he had for her.

"What's that ?"

Ken took an envelope from his bag and handed it to Freen.

Freen looked at it with surprise. "Is this money, Ken?" She laughed in front of him.

Ken responded, "It's important to you, Freen."

Freen's expression changed as she opened the envelope and saw the pictures inside.

"It's him!"

Ken advised, "What's your plan right now, Freen? I can only say one thing for now. Don't rush into a decision; let's think about what our good plan is."

Pnam suggested, "They have a shipment the next day, according to my source. If you want, I can monitor their every move."

Freen's face turned serious, and she stopped smiling. This was the day she had been waiting for, the day to confront the man who caused her brother's death.

"I can't forgive them!" Freen exclaimed angrily, her gaze fixed on the picture in her hand.

Freen cautioned, "Be careful when you spy on them, because he is not the only one. They have many members in their gang."

Pnam responded, "I understood, Freen."

Hanna greeted everyone, saying, "Good morning!"

Pnam replied, "Good morning, Hanna."

Hanna looked at Pnam in shock because she greeted her without any sarcastic remarks.

"Wow! I think someone has already eaten spoiled food here, and she's suddenly nice to me?" Hanna teased.

Pnam simply rolled her eyes at Hanna and said, "Can you shut up for now, Hanna?"

Hanna retorted, "You're so fake, tsk!"

Freen shook her head, knowing that these two were starting their bickering again.

Erin exclaimed, "Freen, let's go!"

They quickly left the house and got into the van.

Freen called out to each member one by one, "Are we complete?"

Kade responded, "Present."

Erin said, "I'm here!"

Johvie chimed in, "Me too."

Ken assured, "I'm here."

Pnam confidently stated, "Always here."

Hanna added, "I'm here too!"

Freen smiled and leaned back in her chair.

"Let's go!"

As they passed Freen's house, they encountered a car, causing the van to stop. Pnam immediately opened the door and helped Freen out first.

Pnam explained, "Freen, I will only drop you off in this area because it's dangerous if anyone recognizes us. So, I called our other member to bring Ken's car here."