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Freen and Ken, accompanied by their counselors, they are determined to find Becky. They have received information that she might be in the province, but they are still unsure if it is indeed her. Despite the uncertainty, Freen holds onto hope and remains optimistic about seeing her again.

The gang splits up, taking different routes to cover more ground and increase their chances of finding Becky. Hades expresses his deep longing for her, while Ken is determined to uncover the reasons behind her prolonged absence.

As we continued  our search, i feels overwhelmed by the vastness of the province and doubts their ability to locate her. However, Ken reassures me, reminding me that they are getting closer to our destination. He assures me that they will soon find out if the person they have heard about is indeed Becky or not.

With determination and hope in our hearts, Freen, Ken, and the gang press on, eagerly anticipating the moment they will be reunited with Becky and uncover the truth behind her absence.

" What if we couldn't find her? Where are we going to look for her?"

I asked, feeling a sense of worry and uncertainty.

"I don't know. But let's not lose hope. We will see her soon, okay?" Ken replied.

Upon arriving at our destination, i quickly got out of the car, believing that Becky might be there based on the information provided by our members. Ken and Hades followed closely behind, while Kade, Noey, and the other members observed from their car.

I rang the doorbell, hoping to find her. A woman in her 60s opened the gate and stared at me upon seeing her.

"Who are they?"

the woman asked, curious about our presence.

I hesitated for a moment before asking,

"Ahh, is Becky here?"

The woman seemed to ponder for a moment before responding,

"Becky? I'm sorry, but I don't know her..."

As the woman began to close the gate, i reached out and stopped her hand.

"Please! Are you sure that Becky doesn't live here?"

I pleaded, showing the woman a picture of me and Becky together on my phone.

"Its her, ma'am? You might have seen her in this place,"

I explained, hoping for a positive response.

"I'm so sorry... I really don't know her,"

the woman replied before closing the gate. I let out a sigh and turned to face my members, feeling disappointed by the outcome.

My determination to find her remains unwavering, and my members express their support by nodding in agreement. Ken encourages me to keep going, and they all get back into the car. Hades notices the sadness in my eyes and suggests contacting Becky's dad for information.

I immediately takes out my phone and tries to reach out to Becky's dad. However, after several attempts, i realizes that i can no longer contact him.

Hades asks if i managed to reach him, to which i sadly responds that i can't because it seems like he has changed his number.

Understanding my disappointment, Hades comforts me by patting my shoulder. Ken reassures me that we will see Becky soon and acknowledges the difficult situation im  currently facing.


" You found her?"

I impatiently asks if they have found Becky yet.