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As I sat in the office, fixing the papers that Freen had ordered me, my attention was drawn to a photo on her desk. It was a picture of a man that Freen has been searching for, even to this day. The case surrounding this man's disappearance remains unsolved by the police. Freen wants to reopen her brother's case, but her family needs to initiate the process. However, Freen is hesitant to reveal her involvement with the gang to her family. She knows that they wouldn't be able to do anything about her brother's case, as many of the police officers are influenced or controlled by other organizations. We have encountered numerous gangs that have connections with the police, making it difficult to trust them.

Ken, immersed in thoughts about Freen's brother, was interrupted when someone knocked on the door. He looked towards the entrance, and it was Pnam.

"Come in," Ken said.

Pnam entered Freen's office,

"Is there any good news?" Ken asked.

She handed him an envelope, and as Ken opened it, he took out one of the photos inside.

"Don't let her know about this. She's not okay yet. She still needs strength and rest, okay?" Ken instructed Pnam.

Pnam agreed, saying, "Okay, but I have to go back to the hospital now to watch over her."

Ken inquired, "What did Aunt say when she saw you?"

Pnam smiled and then became serious, sharing, "She's really nice. She gave us clothes," and chuckled.

Ken questioned, "Why are you laughing, Pnam?"

Ken, trying to contain his laughter, listened to Pnam's story about Freen's mother's reaction to the black clothing. He found it amusing but didn't want to upset Pnam further.

"Okay, that's enough, Nam. You will still watch over Freen at the hospital, okay?" Ken said, trying to change the subject.

Pnam then brought up the fact that she had given Becky a Black Card, expressing her concern about Freen finding out. She pleaded with Ken for help, fearing Freen's reaction if she discovered the truth.

Ken couldn't help but burst into laughter at Pnam's plea for assistance. It was a rare sight to see Pnam begging for help.

"Why did you laugh? What's so funny, huh?" Pnam asked, pulling out her gun from under her coat and pointing it at Ken's head. Ken's face turned serious, feeling nervous about the situation.

Ken replied cautiously, "Pnam, please put the gun down. We don't need to resort to violence. Let's talk this through calmly."

Ken: "calm down, okay?"

He took a deep breath as Pnam returned the gun to her coat.

Pnam warned, "Don't do that again, Ken, or else I will not hesitate to kill you!"

Ken nodded, acknowledging the seriousness of Pnam's words. He was well aware of her capabilities and the consequences of crossing her.

After Pnam left the office, Ken breathed a sigh of relief, expressing, "It's good that she came out of the office. I was sweating from nervousness."


After purchasing flowers,  her driver took her to the hospital.

"Thank you!" She expressed her gratitude to the driver.

The driver replied, "You're welcome, ma'am Hanna," and offered a smile, Occasionally, when anxiety struck Hanna's appearance could change, and she could become a "witch."