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A while ago, I couldn't help but notice that Hades was constantly touching her while they were together. It bothered me because, although he may be handsome, I couldn't understand why he was so clingy towards her. Was he being genuine, or was he just suddenly flirting with her? rolled her eyes.

"Hey! Why are you frowning?"

I looked at Hanna and tried to smile, not wanting to appear too obvious that I had been observing Becky and Hades.

"Are you okay?"

I replied, "Ahm, yeah, I'm fine, Hanna," while secretly glancing at Becky and Hades.

"Fine? Are you sure about that? Because your... I think you're not okay."

"Nah, don't worry, I'm fine, okay?"

She tried to smile at Hanna, reassuring her that everything was alright.

"That's good! Because I really thought you were getting jea--never mind!" She stared at Freen.

Freen's forehead automatically wrinkled due to what Hanna said.

" What?!"

"They look good together..."

Freen glared at her, which silenced Hanna.

"What? My best friend? No, they are never okay..."

"I'm just telling you that they look good together. Why are you mad at me?"

"What? Me? No, I'm not..."

Hanna immediately clung to Freen's arm.

"Okay, so prove it if you're not mad at me..."

Freen just stared at her, frowning.

"Seriously? What kind of proof do you want, huh?"

"Just smile?"

"Smile? That seems stupid Hanna."

"No, you're not like that, okay! You're more handsome, I mean pretty, if you smile, okay..."


"Come on, Freen! Smile That's proof that you're really not mad at me..."

Reluctantly, Freen forced a smile, but deep inside, she was very angry because of what she was witnessing. How could Hades touch Becky and hold her hand when they had only just met today? It felt like she wanted to pull Becky away from Hades, but she didn't want Becky to be mad at her.

She sighed and simply glanced at them.

"Are you jealous?"

Freen snapped back to reality because of what Hanna said.

"No! And why would I be jealous,?"

"I don't know? I'm just confused by your attitude right now. It's weird, you know..."


While Hades and Becky were talking, she noticed that Freen was looking at them, so she smiled. However, her smile quickly disappeared when she saw Hanna clinging to Freen's arm, with Hanna's face so close to Freen's cheek.

"Try to kiss her, Hanna, and I swear I will break your neck!"

"Hey! Are you okay, Becky?"

Becky simply nodded to Hades and continued observing the two while they were talking.

She couldn't be bothered anymore. She wanted to approach the two and pull Freen away from Hanna.

"What the... is she doing?! Is she trying to make me jealous?"