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Freen was unconscious for a whole day, which made her gang members worried about her condition. But when she woke up, she immediately looked for Becky, only to find that she wasn't by her side. Freen removed the serum from her arm and got off the bed.

"Becky... Becky, where are you!"

She immediately left the hospital and quickly took a taxi to Becky's house, even though it was raining. Despite the rain, she was determined to reach Becky's house.

When she arrived at Becky's house, she immediately rang the doorbell, but it was Becky's mom who came out.

"What are you doing here, Freen?!"

Freen: "Tita, please... Please let me talk to her?"

"Go away, stay away from my daughter. How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from her?"

At any moment, My  tears would fall, but i had to hold them back, even though i felt weak and my heart was on the verge of exploding from the pain i was experiencing. However, I needed to talk to her. I wanted to hear those words directly from Becky's mouth, even if it would hurt me.

Freen: "Tita, please, I beg you. Just give me a minute to talk to her, and after this, I won't disturb her again."

Becky's mom sighed in front of her.

"Go ahead! I'll let you this time. But the moment I find out that you're still talking to my daughter, you will never see or talk to her again."

I immediately bowed to Becky's mom before she entered the house, leaving me outside the gate.


"Freen is outside and wants to talk to you!"

I felt nervous because of what my mother had said. I didn't know why Freen had come to here, all i knew she was  in the hospital. However, i was relieved to see her and quickly grabbed an umbrella to go outside and meet her. But I  stopped when my mom hold my shoulder.

"Put an end to whatever is between you and that girl, Becky! If you don't want anyone else to know about it. Because if you don't obey what I said, I will send you to the States to study there!"

MY shoulders slumped as  I was about to go out the door, especially when I saw Freen, who was already wet from the rain! I wanted to hug her, but I couldn't.


Becky asked, "What are you doing here, Freen? Weren't you at the hospital?"

"Can I talk to you? Even just for a little while, please?" I asked her, my voice trembling.

"About what, Freen?" she replied, a hint of curiosity in her tone.

"You haven't talked to me, so I came here myself. Is there a problem between us?" I asked her, but she only sighed in response.

"Freen... I'm sorry!"

I could feel the sadness in her eyes, and I was getting nervous because I knew I was going to be hurt by what she might say to me.

"For what, Becky?" I asked her. "Is it because you didn't come home?" I forced a smile at her to show that I was okay, even though it was painful to see her like this in front of me. "It's okay, Beck," I reached out to hold her hand, but she brushed it away, leaving my mouth agape as I stared at her.

"Stop it, Freen!" she snapped, halting me in my tracks.

"Becky... Why are you like this? Did I do something wrong?"

"They're right, Freen. We can't be together! So can you please... just leave me alone. Get out of my life!"

It felt like I was doused with snow because of what she said. I felt like the sky and the earth were closing in on me.