Part 2 : interview

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Yn's POV

I'm so nervous and happy at the same time I wore my outfit after doing my morning routine and went downstairs .

I'm so nervous and happy at the same time I wore my outfit after doing my morning routine and went downstairs

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(Yn's outfit)

There were everyone on the dinning table including jimin oppa (rose unnie's fiance) rose unnie was also ready as she also works in a office.

There were everyone on the dinning table including jimin oppa (rose unnie's fiance) rose unnie was also ready as she also works in a office

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(Rose outfit)

They all greeted me and I also greeted them back jimin oppa asked me.

Jimin: how's my sister.

He said diverting his attention to me.

Yn: I'm good oppa how are you? And why were you not coming to our house.

I said making a sad face.

Jimin: I'm sorry princess and I have so much work that's why I couldn't come but now as I have a day off tomorrow I'll take your sister out wanna join us?

I laugh and said

Yn: no I'm good you guyz go and have fun.

Rose: YN aren't you late it's 7:15 a.m.

She said and I widen my eyes i looked at my watch. I gasped and ran out of the house with my car keys and purse.

TimeSkip 7:25 a.m

I was standing outside of the building which is very huge

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I was standing outside of the building which is very huge.

Oh my God I rested my hands on my knees and breathed heavily.

It's 7:25 right now and my interview is at 7:30a.m thank God I'm not late. I went inside the building and went to the receptionist.

I asked her about the directions she led me outside of a room I knock and then a voice came "come in" and then I went inside there were 2 men sitting I went there and sat on the chair than the maybe this building's CEO said

??: your name?

He said in his deep voice sending shiver down my spine just by his deep voice.

He said in his deep voice sending shiver down my spine just by his deep voice

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Taehyung's POV

I don't know why dad insisted me to have a new P.A when I already have one but it's fine as my ex P.A just use to stare at me and doesn't even do her work properly.

Okay so about me.
I am Kim Taehyung CEO of this company, single as I don't believe in this love bullshit. I had a girlfriend months ago which I truly loved but she just used me for my money and even cheated on me and after 2 years of our relationship she left me heartbroken.

I was zone out when someone knock at the door I said: come in.

A girl came and Jeon jungkook aka my bsf and this company's employee tell that girl to sit on the chair she sat and then I said.

Taehyung: your name?

She was the one who came for interview


After having her interview I thought that she is the best for this position and tell her that we'll let her know about the job just then she was about to leave when this company's manager aka my other bsf park jimin came and then suddenly Ms. Park and Jimin widened their eyes

Meanwhile me and Jungkook was just looking at them with a confused look then they both said together.

Jimin: princess!!
YN : oppa!!

But then I cut them and said.

Taehyung: you guyz know eachother?

Jimin: oh yeah taehyung she is my fiance's sister.

Taehyung: okay Ms Park you can leave now our company will let you know in evening if you are selected or not.

YN: okay sir.
She bowed and left from there.

Jimin: will you take her as your P.A taehyung?

Jungkook: hyung you should take her as she is smart and will be good as your P.A too not like your ex P.A.

Taehyung: yeah okay, and yeah jimin why are late?

Jimin: I told you na I had to go to meet my fiance that's why I met YN two times in one

Taehyung: okay now get back to work.

I said and they both left and I also started doing my work.


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Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now