Part 28 : Annoying Bitch

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Taehyung's POV

I looked behind me and urgh what this psycho is doing here?

Taehyung: Lia?
"I said with a forced smile".

She quickly ran to me and sat beside me while side hugging me.

Lia: Taetae I missed you.
"She said with her ugly pout, chee".

I turned my head from her direction and moved towards Yn.

Anna: Yahh Lia you can go from here now this is a private section.

Lia: Taetae are you seeing how she is talking to your girl bestfriend.

I rolled my eyes as she always say to everyone that I am her best friend. I looked at Yn who was sitting at my left.

Taehyung: yn she's Lia.
"I whispered in her ear and she just nodded".

Lia: Taetae who's that girl beside you?

Taehyung: Lia she's my girlfriend Yn, and yn she is my high school friend Lia.

Yn: hi.
"She said to Lia with a sweet smile".

Lia: hi.
"She replied her rudely".

Yoongi: jennie come on let's go, I'm tired I wanna sleep.
"He said in a sleepy tone".

Jennie nodded and they both left the club immediately.

Anna: Lia you better go from here, you're just spoiling everyone's mood here.

Lia: and who are you to say that huh, you go from here.

We all rolled our eyes and sat quietly on our place and this bitch on my right was just talking not even talking just blabbering. 

Author's POV

Yn was just sitting quietly and was pissed of because of Lia and same goes to Taehyung.

Taehyung: yn, get up let's go.
"He said getting up from his place".

Yn: but where?

Lia: yeah where?

They both rolled there eyes. Yn also got up from her place.

Yn: guys we're going.

Everyone nodded except Lia. They started to walk to the exit but Lia came and stood infront of Taehyung. Taehyung huffed while Yn rolled her eyes.

Taehyung: what do you want Lia?

Yn who was standing beside Taehyung linked her arm with Taehyung's. Lia glared at Yn, yn glared at her back. While Taehyung was watching their eye contact.

Yn: do you wanna say something or not Lia?

Lia rolled her eyes.

Yn's POV

This bitch. She's getting on my nerves, continously clinging on my boyfriend. Suddenly Lia came close to Taehyung and stood infront of him while playing with his shirt's collar. Taehyung looked at her in disbelief.

Yn: what the fuck is your problem, girl?

I said angrily and pushed her away from taehyung. She stumble back and looked at m-- correction glared at me.

But soon that glare faded when she saw my angry face.

Yn: dare to come close to MY boyfriend again and I'll chop you in pieces, UNDERSTOOD.

I yelled the last word and Lia flinched badly. She nodded and ran from there. I looked at Taehyung who had slight wide eyes.

Yn: what happened? Come on let's go I'm hungry.
"I said with a pout. Taehyung looked at me and chuckled".

Taehyung: your duality is insane.
"I smiled sheepishly".

We both went to his car.

Author's POV

The car ride was silent until Taehyung decided to broke it.

Taehyung: someone was jealous in the club.
"He said with a smirk".

Yn: no one was jealous.

Taehyung: oh really.
"He said sarcastically".

Yn: yes really.
"She replied in the same tone as his".

Soon Taehyung parked his car at a silent road. And no one was there.

Yn: why you stopp--- ahhh.

He held her waist and made her sit on his lap facing him.

Taehyung: why you're so beautiful?
"He whispered and bit her earlobe".

Yn: what happened to you all of a sudden?

Taehyung smiled a little tilting his head and attached his lips with her's. Kissing her passionately. She kissed him back and wrapped her legs around his waist.

Encircling her hands around his neck not leaving any space between them. He rubbed her waist with his one hand while the other one was cupping her cheeks.

Breaking the kiss he attached his lips to her jawline sucking each and every space. Soon his kisses went to her collarbone. He started kissing her.

Trying to find her sweet spot and soon he found it. He sucked harder there until that spot became purplish. While she was moaning.

Meanwhile in club.

Lia went in the bathroom and quickly called someone.

*on the call*

??: what?

Lia: they went from here.

??: was that bitch with her?

Lia: yeah, you were right he gotta girlfriend.

??: I knew it, i don't care just make that bitch away from my men Lia, and you'll get your reward.

Lia: don't worry, I will do it professionally.


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Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now