Part 22 : Admires

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Author's POV

Taehyung: Yn are you forced in this relationship?

Yn: h-huh..... why would you think like that?

Taehyung: n-nothing........ let's go.

He said and passed by Yn but Yn grab his wrist and turned to him. Before standing infront of him.

Yn: why are you thinking like that? I love you and only you Taehyung. Are you doubting my lov--

Taehyung: no no no Yn. It's just.

Yn: what is it? Share it with me. I know your past was not good but I'm not like your ex Tae.

Taehyung: I know I just thought you were awkward and uncomfortable when that flower bouquet came to you, When our parent were talking about us at the dining table, when my mom said you to call her mom. Your r-reaction made me think like this.
"He said the last line with a cracked voice".

Yn immediately pulled him in a bone crushing hug.

Yn: hey, don't think like that. I love you. My love is hundred percent pure for you and about that flower thing I forgot the rituals about the marriage like who will get marry after those couples, about the dinner I was shy so shy that I couldn't even look at Lisa my bestfriend, and about your mom I wasn't expecting her to be this nice, kind and good with me. I'm really sorry Tae.

Taehyung pulled away a little from hug to look at Yn.

Taehyung: why you thought mom would not be nice with you?

Yn: I didn't said she would be bad with me. I thought that she would not like me. Ugh I can't explain.

Yn cupped Taehyung's cheeks while Taehyung's hands were still on Yn's waist.

Yn: just know that I love you truly. I can do anything for you. You are my first and last love. I was never forced in this relationship and nor I'm regretting being with you.

She said in her sweet, soft, melodious voice which made Taehyung relief.

Taehyung: I'm sorry. I love you too.
"He said caressing her bare back sending shiver down her spine".

Out of nowhere Yn attached her lips with his kissing him passionately. Taehyung was beyond shock at her sudden bold move. Not feeling him kissing her back she bit his lower lip receiving a moan from him.

He kissed her back and felt Yn smiling in-between the kiss. After sometime kissing each other passionately running out of breath they broke the kiss and joint their foreheads.

Taehyung: I love you.
"He said and kissed her forehead".

Yn: I love you too.
"She said and tiptoed to kiss his forehead".

Yn: Yahh come a little down.

Taehyung laughed before coming down to her height level. She peck his forehead.

Time skip to Next morning
[Yn's POV]

I am getting ready to go at Taehyung's house to surprise him. Its 7:30 am and today is Sunday so he must be sleeping at this time. After checking myself last time in the mirror I went to his house.

By the way mom (Taehyung's mother) already know I'm coming.

After 15 to 20 minutes I reached at my destination. The house is so big I rang the bell and a maid opened it.

Maid: hello miss, how can I help you.
"She said with a sweet smile".

Yn: i am Yn--

Maid: Oh I'm so sorry miss. Please come in.

I smiled and went inside. Entering the living room I noticed mom sitting on the couch looking at the window while sipping her orange juice.

Yn: hello mom, how are you?

She looked at my direction and smiled while getting up from her place.

Mom: I'm good dear, how are you?

Yn: I'm good too.
"I smiled and side hugged her".

Yn: by the way mom, what's Tae doing?

Mom; he's still sleeping dear.

Yn: he works alot. He should take care of himself, he don't even eat healthy food, always a picky eater. just do work, work, work, work.

I stopped my speech and looked at mom. She was already looking at me with soft eyes and sweet smile.

Yn: what happen mom?

Mom: you are the best for my son, dear.


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And yeah guyz you know we are at 50 followers I know it's not much but I'm happy that we are at this much followers thankyou so much for this and if you haven't followed me than what are you waiting for? Christmas?

Thanks for reading ♡♡♡.

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now