Part 49 : marriage date

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Yn's POV.
Next day.

Yn: how's this one?

Taehyung: it's great.

Yn: I think we should show this project. What do you think?

Taehyung: yeah, I was thinking the same.

I nodded and took the file from Taehyung's desk and went to my cabin.

Well yesterday nothing really happened we got the collaboration and today we are going to perform our project infront of Mr.Richard.

Hope he'll give this collaboration chance to Taehyung because he has work hard.

He hardly eats anything in his working hours just coffee or tea. And between us we don't talk much actually I don't talk much because I'm sick of him not eating breakfast and lunch.

And him being stubborn don't listen to any of us not even his mom. Just says "FoOd cAn wAiT bUt woRk cAn'T".

I sighed before glancing at him from the glass wall and started doing my work again.


After the meeting.

Taehyung: now we have to wait for a day for his answer, why he didn't said it in the meeting room?
"He said rolling his eyes".

Yn: if you wanted his answer then why you didn't said it to him? You could've said that to him.
"I said rolling my eyes back".

Well we both are walking beside each other in our formal clothes going in the parking lot to go back to our company.


I was working in my cabin when my phone buzzed grabbing my attention. Seeing the caller I'd a smile appeared on my lips.

taking the phone in my hands, I slide the option to left and answered the phone.

*on the call*

Yn: what's up, unnie?

Jisoo: hello girl. How are you doing?

Yn: I'm doing fine. You called me?

Jisoo: can't I call you?

Yn: ofcourse you can. But you don't call me in working hours.

Jisoo: hmm there's something. Mom and dad are coming at your house today with Taehyung. He don't know till yet.

Yn: Oh, but why are they coming? Like they can come but this suddenly?

Jisoo: To fix the date of your both wedding.

Yn: WHAT!!

I stood up from my place with wide eyes and phone sticking to my ears.

Jisoo: yo calm down I only have two ears.

Yn: w-when are they coming?

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now