Part 14 : Accepted

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Yn's POV

I woke up feeling sunrise hitting on my bootiphul faceu. I sat up and went to bathroom without caring about anything after taking my precious bath I went to eomma appa.

Appa was reading newspapers with glasses on while sipping his tea and eomma was watching T.V while sipping her tea I greeted them with a smile and they greeted me back but there was no emotion in there voice.

Eomma: why you didn't told us you gotta boyfriend?
"I gasped."

Yn: I-I-I.... h-h-h-how you know?
"I asked in pure shock because I can't remember telling her about this."

Appa: you dont know?

I was so confused and then the realization hitted me like truck and I remembered that after party tae came to drop me and while talking I dozed off in his car. But d-did h-h-he ca-carried me?

Eomma: he carried you all the way your room while you were sleeping like a monkey in his arms.
"Eomma scoffed dramatically."

I sat in between eomma and appa and told them the whole story about our relationship how it started.

Yn: and that's why I didn't got the time to tell you about mine and taehyung's relationship.

Appa nodded while giving me his beautiful smile while eomma still had her poker face I signalled appa to convince her with me he nodded.

Appa: Yahh jagiya it's not her fault they started dating yesterday and when she came she was asleep and when she woke up she came here to us.

Eomma nodded with slight smile I bent to her and said.

Yn: Yahh eomma do you accept us?
"I said showing her my ×17550000 innocent face. She laughed loudly I was hella confused".

Yn: w-w-what is going on?
"Eomma shooked her head still laughing".

Eomma: I accepted you both yesterday night.

I understand now she was just playing I made 🙂 this face. Huh atleast she accepted us. I smiled and hug my parents tightly.

1 week later

It's been 6 to 7 days since me and tae started dating. We both have told about our relationship to our parents and gradually they accepted us. In these past few days we both were so busy because tae's company got a very huge contract with a foreign company so we had alot of work pressure but still we both managed to do lunch together.

In these past days nothing changed we both are still like that, like there is no skinship between us. We both haven't even kissed eochother except on forehead or on cheeks it's not like we are awkward or
uncomfortable with each other we are just taking things slow.

And also about his love I had never imagined in my past life that I'll get a boyfriend like him, whenever I stare in his eyes it just screams love,care and affection. How he cares for me he is just making me fall deeper and deeper for him every single day.

Well right now we couples are standing outside the restaurant we had lunch here and now waiting for rose unnie to come because she said she'll come after using restroom. We all were waiting outside and
There she came.

Jimin: thank god she came I'm so tired.

Taehyung was standing beside me.

Rose unnie stopped when a guy came to her and started talking to her and we can clearly see that guy was just flirting with her and rose unnie was angry I went to them and asked unnie.

Yn: what happened unnie?

Rose: Yn this fucking asshole is harassing m--
"She was cutted off by that bastard".

Guy: so.... will you come in the meeting held in my be----

I cutted him off by giving a tight slap on his right cheek.

Yn: say that again and you'll see the worst side of me you fucking bastard.

Guy: Oh my God this small kid just slap me wait if it's your wish I'll it say again.
"He turned towards unnie and said".

Guy: so.... pretty will you come in the meeting which is held in my be-----



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Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now