Part 17 : suddenly?

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Author's POV

Yn hugged taehyung's waist more tightly encircling her hands around him and burying her head completely in Taehyung's chest. Taehyung chuckled and hugged her waist and started stroking her hairs.

Yn: Tae why Anna hate her?
"She said without looking up. Both had closed eyes".

Taehyung: because Lia always clings on me whenever we are at same place. And I know Anna before I knew Lia. So Anna knows that I'm not type of a person who have girls around him. That's why she don't like her.

Yn hummed.

After sometime ~~

Its currently 9:55 p.m and both Yn and Taehyung are at the same place. They both slept while talking to each other. Suddenly Taehyung's phone buzzed which made Yn opened her eyes. She looked at Taehyung was still sleeping. She shook him making him open his eyes.

Taehyung: umm.... what time is it?
"He said in sleepy voice while rubbing his eyes like a baby".

Yn: I don't know. Tae your mom is calling you.

Taehyung immediately answered the call. While yn was staring at him. Both were still hugging each other.

Taehyung: hmm... ok..... bye mom.

Taehyung cut the call and said.

Taehyung: we both slept and it's almost 10 p.m. mom was asking me where I was.

Yn: hmm.... will you leave?

Taehyung smirked and encircled his arms around Yn's tiny waist and pulled her closer then said.

Taehyung: do you want me to stay in your bedroom today?

Yn looked down while blushing.

Taehyung chuckled.

Taehyung: I've to go now, will meet you tomorrow, ok?

Yn looked in his eyes before nodding her head like a baby.
Taehyung cupped her cheeks in his big hands staring right in her soul.

Yn: you'll get late.

Taehyung nodded and got up from the couch followed by yn. He took his wallet and car keys before going towards the main gate. Yn came to see off him.

Taehyung: ok, I'm leaving. Sleep on time and dont be late tomorrow.

Yn chuckled before saying.

Yn: you also go safely and have a good sleep.

Taehyung pulled yn by her waist causing her to bump in his hard chest. Taehyung held her chin gently and attached his lips with her's. Kissing her softly she kissed him back with the same passion. Taehyung caressed her waist pulling her more closer to him. While she caressed his cheek with one hand and the other one was resting on his arm. Breaking the kiss slowly they both started breathing heavily. Taehyung joined his forehead with her's and whispered.

Taehyung: I love you so much.

Yn: not as much as I do.

Taehyun chuckled.

Yn: now go aunty must be waiting for you.

Taehyung nodded and gave a quick peck to her forehead before leaving.

Taehyung: bye.

Yn: bye and go safely.

Taehyung nodded and left her house.

Yn's POV

What the-- we kissed twice today. I'm so shyyyyyyyyyyy. After my blushing session was done I went to take a quick shower then went to bed thinking about Taehyung.

Next morning


t's 9 p.m and I'm working in my office. Hearing a knock I said come in. And jisoo unnie enter my cabin.

Yn: unnie, you're here? Come sit.

Jisoo: no yn, I didn't came here to sit we have to go everyone's waiting in the nearby cafe.

Yn: I have to tell Tae first.

Jisoo: he's also waiting for you let's go.

She pulled my wrist and dragged me with her.
Entering in the cafe everyone was present there.

Jisoo; go and sit beside Taehyung.

I confusedly nodded and went to sit beside him.

Yn: what's going on guyz? Why are we all gather here?

Yoongi: we also dont know.

Lisa: jin oppa and jisoo unnie wants to tell us something.

Jin: ok so please, give some attention here.

Everyone looked at him.

Jin: I and jisoo gather you all her because as you know I am 30 now and jisoo also 28 so.....

Jisoo: so we both decided to get marry next week.


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Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now