Part 55 : doing it

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lol I'm saying 18+ when I'm only 15🙂.

Anyways enjoy🤡

Author's POV.

Taehyung: are you ready babygirl?
"He whispered in her ear".

She shyly nodded her head and in the next moment she felt her lips colliding with her dear husband.

She kissed him back with the same passion, he bit her lips causing a moan to slip from her mouth, helping him to insert his tongue inside of her mouth.

After sometime he broke the kiss and kept his knees on the bed caging her petite body between his thighs.

He started to unbutton his coat and after removing it from his body he threw it somewhere in their bedroom.

When he was removing his coat there wasn't any moment in which he didn't spared his glances from his lovely wife.

Meantime, she was looking every where but not in his eyes. Her cheeks were red thanks to his stares.

And after removing his coat he again hovered above her and kissed her forehead with love.

Taehyung: I love you.
"He said in his deep voice''.

Yn: I love you more.

She with showing her teeth".

He nodded with a smile and again attacked his lips with her neck. His kiss slowly slowly went to her sweetspot causing her to moan in his ear.

He smirked and sucked that area more hard. She locked her fingers with his hairs and threw her head back in pleasure.

He started to go down on her body tracing his lips everywhere possible.  He unzip her dress from behind and remove from her body effortlessly.

Her whole face turned from white to red in the speed of light. She immediately covered her face with her hands, she was smiling shyly.

[She was now only in her undies, in her strapless bra and underwear]

He chuckled seeing her shy, removing her hands from her face he looked at her with a smirk.

Taehyung: love, are you shy?
"He whispered in her ear".

He started teasing her by whispering in her ear well knowing she is weak with ears.

Yn: Y-yahhhh

Taehyung: should I continue?

Yn: why you stopped?
"She ask with a frown".

Taehyung: Ooh someone's desperate, hnn?

Yn: w-what?
"She asked biting her lips to prevent them from blushing".

Taehyung: should I continue?
"He asked, because he don't want to make her feel uncomfortable".

Yn: you can, i-it's just that I'm s-shy.
"She said with a red face".

Taehyung smiled and kissed her forehead and continued from where he left.

After sometime~~

Almost 15 minutes passed and he was marking her body as his, completely making her, his. She was a moaning mess by now.

Her hands were lock with his hairs which he was loving, a lot. His happiness was on cloud 9 today.

And now it was time for him to do the final move. He removed his bottom along with his boxers.

Positioning his d-ck infront of his wife's p-ssy, he looked at her to find her a bit nervous.

It's not like he isn't nervous but seeing her state he has to make sure she feels secure.

Taehyung: yn.

Yn: y-yeah?

Taehyung: are you ready?

She nodded her head but spoke.

Yn: b-but, you come here.
"She said pointing at her shoulder".

As he was sitting on the bed and his legs were either side of her body, she couldn't hold him as she was scared.

Taehyung smiled and nodded before hovering above her but still positioning himself infront of her entrance.

He hugged her body making her feel warmth with his touch. She immediately hugged him snuggling her face in the crook of his neck.

Taehyung: should I enter?

Yn: b-but first tell me those three magical words.
"She said, expecting he would say 'I love you' "

Taehyung: I'm yours forever.
"He said pecking her nose".

A blush appeared on her chubby cheeks which made him laugh at her cuteness.

Yn: Yahh, just do now.
"She said biting her lip to prevent them from smiling".

Feeling her confident this time, he pushed himself inside her in the speed of light so that she would feel less pain.


Her scream echoed in the whole bedroom. Tears formed in her eyes, feeling this new sensation inside of her body.

Taehyung kept his head on her shoulder giving her time to adjust his length.

After few minutes, adjusting his big length inside of her she tapped his shoulder indicating him to move.

He turned his head to face her and peck her lips before saying.

Taehyung: tell me to stop if I'm too rough, okay?

Getting a nod from his shy wife, he started moving inside of her.

And that's how there night went.

Not leave them alone.
I don't write smutt and, which I've write today is the first and last time ig😄.

Anyways, I saw the read this books got, I'm so thankful of you all.
And also I saw I got 90 followers😆.
10 more to go and then we will hit 100 followers❤️.

Please vote 🙏 🙏 🙏.

Thanks for reading♡♡♡.

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