Part 64 : Emotional

618 41 13

Author's POV.

The next day.

She wiggled a bit in her sleep, She spread her arms in the air and stretched her back while laying.

Yn opened her eyes and looked behind her only to find Taehyung backhugging her while digging his face in her back, sleeping like a baby.

She turned around making sure he don't breaks his sleep.
As she turned around Taehyung more digged his face inside of her stomach making her giggle at the ticklish feeling.

She caressed his hairs with her palm and other palm caressed his cheek.

Yn: it's 1 p.m, Taehyung. Wake up.

She sweetly started waking him up but it all went in vain.

Yn: did you took sleeping pills? Usually you wakes up before me!!

She rolled her eyes when she didn't got any answer of her irrelevant question.

She sat up on the bed making him lay his head on her lap. She took a claw clip from the nightstand and tied her hair up in a messy bun.

She got up from the bed and started walking towards the bathroom when she heard some groans.

Taehyung: ynahh, where are you going?
"He said feeling irritated".

Yn: it's 1 p.m, Tae. We also have to go to your friend's birthday today. Get up, I'm going to take a bath.

Taehyung groaned in his sleep and sat up on the bed while rubbing his eyes.

He removed the duvet from his body and got down from the bed.

Taehyung: hawwww

He yawned while spreading his arms in the air.

Taehyung: I should take a bath as well.

He walked towards their wardrobe and saw yn picking clothes for her.

Taehyung: you didn't went to take bath?

Yn: I'm going. I'm just collecting clothes to wear.

Taehyung: Ooh.

He looked at her back as a mischievious idea came in his mind.

Taehyung: can you please give me my white shorts.

Yn: yeah sure.

Saying this she started walking towards Taehyung's clothes area and after grabbing his white shorts she turned around only to find him standing behind her with a towel in his hands and a smirk plastered on his face.

Yn: what?
"She looked at him with a frown".

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders with a smirk and immediately took his shorts from her hands and ran inside the bathroom.

Yn was still at her place with a frown but once she got what he did, she widened her eyes as a long gasp left her mouth.

She quickly ran towards the bathroom. The door was already closed, she looked at the door being frustrated and started banging it.

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now