Part 29 : Chef

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Author's POV

Yn: T-tae.

Taehyung: hmm.

He finally stopped kissing her neck and looked in her eyes.

Yn: I'm hungry.

Taehyung: what you wanna eat?

He said tightening his grip around her waist.

Yn: I dont know. Homemade food?

Taehyung: let's go to my house. I'll cook dinner for us.

Yn: you know how to cook?

Taehyung: yes. I'm the best chef but after jin hyung.

Yn giggled.

Yn: but.... I have to change my dress.

Taehyung: why?
"He said with a frown".

Yn: umm..... yeah why? Let it go. Let's go to your house.

Taehyung nodded and start the car whereas Yn tried to go back to her seat but Taehyung tightened his grip one her waist.

One hand was gripping her waist while the other one was on the stearing wheel. She got it that He don't want her to go from his lap so she hugged his waist and snuggled her face in the crook of his neck. While his hand was carressing her back.

Soon they reached his mansion. Taehyung got down from the car with Yn in his arms in koala style. But before opening the main door of Kim mansion Yn got down on the floor and they welcome themselve in the mansion.

Yn: Tae where's mom and dad?

Taehyung: they are not in seoul for some days.

Yn made an 'o' face not asking why.

Taehyung: come, first we should freshen up.

Yn nodded and Taehyung took Yn with him to his bedroom. He entered in the room and went straight in his closet whereas Yn quietly sat at the edge of his bed.

Opening the closet He took out some comfortable outfit for him to wear. He came back in his room and saw Yn sitting on the bed staring at her heels.

Taehyung: you didn't freshen up?

Yn: you can go first.

Taehyung nodded and entered in the bathroom after 10 minutes He came back and saw Yn laying at the edge of the bed with eyes closed.

He thought not to disturb her but He wanted her to fresh herself as they both got exhausted in club and after what they did in the car.

Taehyung: Ynahh.

She quickly shot open her eyes.

Taehyung: you were not sleeping?

She shook her head. Taehyung nodded and said.

Taehyung: go fresh yourself, I'm in the kitchen. And als--

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now