Part 73 : Kidnapped

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Author's POV.

Feeling extremely cold water on her body and face, Yn immediately opened her eyes. She tried to adjust her sight clearly and soon she saw a man standing infront of her with an empty bucket.

??: I hope it wasn't that rough, sweetheart.

Yn: don't call me that you disgusting piece of shit!!

Her body was feeling really hot because of the heat, angerness was rushing inside of her body. She just wanted to punch this guy.

??: you have so many guts to talk to me like that, HUH??!!!

His sudden loud yelling echoed in the whole room as yn flinch badly.

??: stay here for a while alone, sweetie.

Yn: where is Lisa?!!

??: she's having fun as well, like you are having. Don't worry about her.

The guy walked out of the room.
Yn looked here and there but the room was too much dark only one light was on which was not even working properly.

Yn tried to wipe the cold water droplets from her face and her eyes widen in fear yet shockness after seeing her hands are tied behind her back with a rope.

Her clothes were all wet. And the only thing which she could wish right now was that her husband would come and rescue her.

Yn: Taehyung, where are you?
"She whispered".

Tears started to flow from her eyes like a water fall. She was not feeling good.


Taehyung: I zoomed in tge cctv footage, the car's number plate is 123079 MS.

Yoongi nodded his head and left the room going to his computer room.

Taehyung: I can't believe!! It's been a whole fucking one day and we haven't even gotten a sign!!

Jin: Taehyung, calm yourself down. Police are doing their best to find Yn and Lisa.

Taehyung: I dont fucking care, hyung!! Don't you know how Police are of our town. All the Mafias and gangsters had already buy all of the officers, even if the officers know who took Yn and Lisa they will never fucking OPEN THEIR MOUTH!!!

Jin looked at Taehyung with shocked yet disappointed look as this was the very first time Taehyung talked with his older brother in this manner.

Jimin: Jin hyung let me talk to him.

Jin: he is going crazy day by day. I don't even know how Yn is handling you!! You are not a kid Kim Taehyung, learn to give respect to your elders!!

Jin said to him in a really serious yet angry tone and left the room immediately.

Taehyung: wow he thinks I am a psycho now!!

Jungkook: can you all s-stop??!!

Jungkook who was sitting on the couch screamed in a crack voice as he couldn't stand being away from the love of his life and now his brothers are fighting as well.

Jimin: Jungkook, please don't stress yourself so much.

Jimin went and sat beside Jungkook and hugged him tightly. Jungkook hugged him back as little sobs lefts his mouth.

Jimin: listen to me, Lisa is going to be fine and we are going to get them back as soon Yoongi hyung finds the location of that car.

Jungkook: I'm just sad that at this time when we should be together you guys are fighting with each other!!

Jimin sighed and looked at Taehyung who was sitting on the other couch. Taehyung sighed and got up from the couch ready to leave the room but someone's voice stopped him immediately.

Yoongi: the slit night aero club.

Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook looked at Yoongi with confusion visible on their faces.

Yoongi: that's where Lisa and Yn are.

Taehyung , Jungkook: WHAT??!!

Both Jungkook's and Taehyung's eyes went wide in shock hearing the name of the club.

Jimin: what's wrong?

Taehyung: me, Jungkook, Yn and Lisa visited that club months ago.

Yoongi: so?

Jungkook: the club's owner son wasn't really nice.

Taehyung: he sell girls.

Jimin: WHAT??!!

Taehyung: I will kill him if something will happen to Yn or Lisa.

Yoongi: what are you guys waiting for? Go quickly!!

Taehyung: Jungkook call Namjoon hyung with his guards till then me and Jimin are going.

Jungkook: don't worry, you guys go fast I will be arriving with hyung.

Taehyung nodded his head and grab his car keys running out of the house with Jimin following him.

Taehyung quickly sat on the driver seat and Jimin sat on the passenger seat. He started the engine and started driving towards their destination.

On the other side.

Yn: Lisa??

Lisa: Yn...

Lisa came running inside the room in which they had kept Yn all alone. She was crying so much.

Yn: how you got here?

Lisa: they threw me. Wait let me open your rope.

Lisa quickly opened Yn's rope and yn immediately hugged Lisa tightly.

Lisa: I'm so scared, yn.
"She said while crying".

A loud thud voice came, Lisa and Yn flinch badly and looked at the door with a scared face.

??: our kittens are scared.


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Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now