Part 33 : Shopping

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Yn's pov.

After biding goodbye to them I quickly left the meeting room and went directly in parking area. (After taking purse).

As I entered in the parking area Lisa started yelling.

Lisa: Yahh where were you, huh?

Yn: I was in a meeting.

Jisoo: are you mad? You're freaking engagement ceremony is in two days.

Yn: so?
"I said with a confused face".

Jennie: so we need to buy you a dress, ok?

I nodded slowly.

Rose: gosh yn you're too slow.

I rolled my eyes before saying.

Yn: where are we going?

Lisa: at Mall. Come on hop in.

She said and we all sat inside her car. Lisa was driving while I was sitting beside her on the passenger seat. And jennie unnie, rose and jisoo unnie were sitting behind.

Rose in the middle, jennie unnie behind my seat and jisoo unnie behind Lisa's seat.

After sometime ~~

Roaming around the whole mall for whole evening we decided to do dinner together.

We all bought our dresses from one place.

Rose: yniee you should take some tips from me and jisoo unnie, cause we're married.

Yn: I'm not getting married. What are you saying.
"I said chewing my white sauce pasta".


Taehyung's POV.

After yn left the meeting room. I went to Gucci store with jimin and jungkook as they insisted that they wanted to pick a suit for me.

And after a lot of research we found a suit. Then we all got hungry and decided to do dinner at my place.

The three of us were silently eating our pizza which we ordered. But suddenly Jungkook broke the silence.

Jungkook: hyungs.....

He said and jimin and I turned our heads towards him to listen him.

Jimin: what happen?

Taehyung: why are you nervous with us?
"I said noticing his breath and sweats".

Jimin: is the Pizza not good?

Taehyung: should I order something else for you?

Jungkook: shut up both of you.

We glared at the poor kook at which he laughed nervously.

Jungkook: I wanted to talk about something.

Jimin: we're listening Dumbo.

I glared at jimin which made him shut his mouth.

Jungkook: I was thinking to propose Lisa for marriage.
"He said in a speed of bullet train".

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now