Part 13 : lunch

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Yn's POV

I am leaving for office in very rush bcuz its 8 a.m and I should be at office at this time but I'm leaving for office at this time.


Yn's outfit

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Yn's outfit

Taehyung's attire

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Taehyung's attire

I was standing outside tae- I mean's office its currently 8:17 a.m. I knocked on the door he replied "come in" I went inside while panting heavily tae saw me and rushed to me with a glass of water.

Taehyung: what the hell Yn!! what is this?
"He said while scolding".

My breathing became normal after I drank the water.

Taehyung: why were you running like a wolf is chasing you?

Yn: I was getting late and still I am late that's why I was running.

He looked at me in disbelief.

Taehyung: are you okay now?

I nodded and started to act like professional to avoid awkwardness which I created.

Yn: uhmm should I tell you your schedule

He went back to his seat and nodded I started telling him.

I was feeling so fucking awkward.

Yn: and that's it.
"I looked up from the iPad he was smiling which made me confused I bowed and went to my cabin".


Its 4:15 and taehyung have a meeting after 30 mins so I came to his cabin.

Yn: uhmm you have a meeting at 4:45 p.m.

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now