Part 10 : Jelly

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Taehyung's POV

I quickly ran to them Jimin and Anna also came running behind me I harshly pulled hobi hyung's shoulder but Yn groaned in pain, I looked at them being embarrassed because Yn's hair were stuck in hobi hyung's shirt button and he was helping her but my dumb head thought that they were kissing.

Yn: Ahhhh what do you think you are doing my head is hurting alot.

She said in a crying tone, then quickly Anna went to her and helped her.

Yn dangerously glared at me which made me gulped a big amount of my saliva. Suddenly jimin started laughing.

Jimin: Haha tae you thought they both were kissing each other.

I glared at him causing him to shut his mouth. Then hoseok hyung said.

Hobi: don't worry tae we were not kissing each other.

He said while controlling his laugh.

Taehyung: I don't even care if you both were kissing, why would I even care?
"I said in annoying tone".

Yn: I'm leaving it's pretty late.

Hobi: come I'll drop you.

She nodded and without giving me any glance she left with hoseok hyung.

Taehyung: Yahh, jimin don't tell me they both like each other.

I said in crying sad tone.

Jimin: Yahh, I know it's not like that don't worry.

Anna: btw that hobi was handsome.
"She said with a shy smile I smirked and said".

Taehyung: so you are falling for him.

She immediately turned her shy smile in irritated look and said.

Anna: I'm going.

She said and immediately ran towards her car.

Jimin: Yahh tae can you drop me?

I nodded and we left.

The car ride was silent when I decided to broke the silence.

Taehyung: uhmm jiminshii do you think Yn likes me?
"I said in a sad tone jimin laughed and said".

Jimin: I don't know btw I have already invited everyone you should come too because I am throwing a party tomorrow.

I nodded not asking why he's throwing this party but I asked.

Taehyung: jimin, will Yn come?

Jimin: yes she will.

I nodded.

Taehyung: okay you can go.
"I said when we reached his hous.

Jimin: bye.

I nodded and left to my house.

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now