Part 30 : Yeontan

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Author's POV

Taehyung follow her gaze on the ground and saw a cute, little, fluffy puppy. Yeontan.

Yn: wow. He's so cute.
"She said while lifting tan up in her arms".

Yeontan: bow wow.

Taehyung: woahh seems like he likes you.

Yeontan again bark.

Taehyung: he definitely does.

Yn smile looking at Yeonatn.

Taehyung: let's go, food is done.

Time skip

They were done eating their dinner and Taehyung decided to watch a movie with Yn. Movie was almost finished.

But Yn didn't focused on him and nor on the movie as she's busy playing with the little angel.

As it was yeontan's sleeping time, he slept on Yn's lap while Yn was carressing his hair. Meanwhile taehyung was staring at Yeontan with an annoyed look.

Yn: Tae, where should I put him?
"She said, still not looking up".

Taehyung got up from his place and carefully lifted Tan in his arms like a dad. A chuckle left his lips when he felt Yeontan snuggling in his embrace.

He went inside his room and came back after putting Tan at his place.

Yn's POV

I got up from the couch when Taehyung went inside his bedroom. I went inside the kitchen and open the fridge and start searching for water.

Once I got the bottle I quickly poured some water in the glass and drank it in one go.

I turned around and got startled seeing Taehyung standing behind me with an expressionless face.

Yn: woahh you scared me.

Taehyung: hmm.

Yn frowned at his sudden cold reply.

Yn: do you.......... need something?

Taehyung nodded. Yn laughed nervously.

Yn: then what do you....... need?

Taehyung: water.
"He said coldly".

Author's POV

Yn turned around again open the fridge, took the bottle and poured some water for him in the glass. She handed the glass in his hands.

Yn: here.

Taehyung took the glass and gulped all the water in one go.

Yn: hehehe looks like you were really thirsty.

Suddenly Taehyung pouted like a baby and went from there. Meanwhile Yn was standing at the same place with a shocked face.

Yn: what th-- bipolar guy.

After sometime yn walked in Taehyung's bedroom's terrace and sigh as she was looking for him for almost 15 minutes. And here he is peacfully enjoying the cold weather.

She took some steps towards him and backhug him tightly. Completely squeezing his waist from her tiny hands.

Yn: what happened Taetae?

Taehyung: nothing.

She sighed and broke the hug and settle herself between his both hands which were resting on the railing.

Yn: what?

Taehyung frowned.

Yn: what? Why are you acting strange?

Taehyung: I am not the one who is acting strange. It's you who is ignoring me.

Yn: what! When I ignored you?

Taehyung: I asked you to watch a movie with me but you were just busy playing with Tan.

Yn: don't tell me you are jealous of your own puppy.

He suddenly pouted making yn shock at his bipolar act.

Yn: Tae?

Taehyung: what?

He said while tuning around but before he could turn yn hug him tightly like her life depends on it.

Taehyung stumble back a little at the sudden force. She squeeze his torso tightly. He chuckle as all he did was just an act so that yn will give him attention, which she is giving.

Yn: I wasn't ignoring you, stop throwing tantrums.

Taehyung: now you think they were tantrums. Nice my lady.
"He said in fake angry tone".

Yn: your lady is always right my love.

Saying this Yn attach her lips with his. Kissing him so passionately. Taehyung kiss her back with the same passion.

And after sometime running out of breath she broke the kiss and found taehyung smiling mischieviously.

Yn: what?
"She asked in confusion".

Taehyung: tsk tsk.
"He said shooking his head".

Taehyung: let's go to bed, it's already midnight.

Yn: we'll sleep in one room?

Taehyung: it's not like it's our first time.


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Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now