Part 69 : Bikini

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Author's POV.

Yn sighed as she threw her clutch on the sofa and sat on it being exhausted.
Taehyung closed the door as he went to her and also sat on the sofa beside her.

Yn: my mood is ruined because of that bastard.

Taehyung: why do you swear so much?

Yn looked at him and rolled her eyes. She sat on the sofa with a straight posture and bent down a little to open her sandal's straps.

A hand held her fingers gently and it was none other then her husband Kim Taehyung.
She looked at him with a "what" look but got silent after seeing him getting on the floor on his knees infront her and helping her to remove her heels.

Taehyung: are you tired?
"He asked removing her heel".

Yn: I am.

She was looking at him with love and affection in her eyes who was busy taking off her heels.

Yn: I love you.

Taehyung looked at her as her sudden confession made him confused.

Taehyung: you want something?

Yn rolled her eyes playfully and kissed his lips for five seconds. She broke the kiss and stood up from the sofa.

Taehyung: this much short kissie?

Yn: uhmm.... yeah.

Saying this she quickly ran inside the bathroom with her pj's.

Taehyung: silly girl.

After sometime ~~

Yn came out from the bathroom and as she got it out from it, she was pushed to the other wall from Taehyung's hand as he quickly ran inside the bathroom.

Yn: looks like you were in an emergency.

She sighed to her self and got inside the comforter.

She laid at the right side of the bed comfortably, keeping her one long leg outside the comforter while her whole body was inside of it except her face

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She laid at the right side of the bed comfortably, keeping her one long leg outside the comforter while her whole body was inside of it except her face.

Hearing the click of door she immediately closed her eyes acting like she's sleeping.

Taehyung: you slept?

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now