Part 65 : Club

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Author's POV.

Time skip.

It's 8:45 p.m right now and Taehyung is sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for yn to come out from the bathroom so that they can go to his friend's birthday party at a club.

Taehyung: yn, how long will you take.

Yn: do you want to take me in a good mood?
"She asked shouting from the bathroom".

Taehyung rolled his eyes and unlocked his phone. He started scrolling down in his instagram.

10 more minutes passed when the door of the bathroom opened making a creek noise.

Yn: I'm done.

Taehyung's eyes followed the voice of the owner and he immediately regretted to look there

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Taehyung's eyes followed the voice of the owner and he immediately regretted to look there.

His mouth hung wide open, and his eyes were looking like they will explode out from its socket.

Yn: h-how am I looking?
"She said feeling his intense stare".

Taehyung got up from the bed and started walking towards yn, as he came towards her, her heart started to beat rapidly and she started walking backwards

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Taehyung got up from the bed and started walking towards yn, as he came towards her, her heart started to beat rapidly and she started walking backwards.

Taehyung smirked when yn's back hit the wall meanwhile she was looking at him with nervousness visible in her eyes.

Taehyung: you look hot!
"He whispered in her ear seductively".

Yn: y-you also.... look g-good.

Taehyung came dangerously close to her face and peck her nose.

Taehyung: why you're wearing this, sweetheart?

Hearing him call her with this nickname always makes her knees go weak.

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now