Part 37 : Ye-jun

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Author's POV

Wiggling in a tight yet secure embrace. She was trying to change her position in sleep but the hold was nit letting her move.

Yn: ahh.

Opening her eyes she saw her fiance holding her tight in his embrace while burying his face in her neck.

Yn: Tae.
"She said in her raspy voice".

After calling her and slapping his arms lightly he opened his eyes a little.

Tae: hmm.
"He whispered in his husky voice".

Yn: Tae........ move I want to face that way.

Taehyung loosen his grip around her and she immediately change her position as her neck was hurting after sleeping in the same position for almost the whole night.

It's currently 4 a.m.

Taehyung backhugg her and nuzzle his lips and nose against her nape. Feeling her shivering he sat on the bed. And after searching for a comforter he wrapped her and his body in it.

His bare back touching her, his face nuzzle against her nape, his one hand caressing her stomach while the other one was kept under her neck which she was using as a pillow.

They both again drifted into deep slumber.

Time skip at 9 a.m.

Finally feeling the sun hitting his face he opened his eyes slowly just to find an angel sleeping in his arms peacfully.

He attached his nose with her cheeks. And started caressing her other cheek with his hand.

Taehyung: love.
''He said in his morning voice".

As she was now almost up she opened her eyes to find him snuggling in her cheek.

She yawned with her hands and hugged him tightly burying her face in his neck.

Taehyung: good morning.
"He said while caressing her hair".

Yn: morning.
"She said and snuggled more in his neck".

Yn: Tae what time is it?

Taehyung: it's 9:30 right now.

Yn: shit, get up we are getting late.

Saying this she broke the hug and was about to step down from the bed but he held her wrist and jerked her hand forward causing her to land on his chest.

Her one hand on his chest and other one holing on his biceps. While he kept his one hand on her waist and from the other hand he started removing the hair which were covering her face.

Just a little inches away from each other face staring deeply in each other's eyes. His gaze went towards her lips. He wanted to kiss the hell out of her but at the same time he was nervous to kiss her. Thinking about will she like if he kiss her without brushing his teeth.

While she noticed his gaze on her lips. And smiled shyly. Sensing now she knows about his intentions, he asked--.

Taehyung: can I?
"He said with hesitation".

Meant To Be. Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now